

October 5


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  • Aloha E' Foster, Aole pilikia~ I have come to realize that in time all things will be revealed and akua knows better then us when that time is. Its ironic though that you contacted me now being that on Monday I will be arriving on Maui for the first time in this existance. There is no such thing as coincidence and I need to share something with you. I knew your name but not what you looked like prior to a month ago seeing your interview on free hawaii regarding the importance of being self sufficent, I have met you before but in my moe. In both the dreams you have asked me if I needed your help and I always knew you came with love and true compassion, you always refered to me as Tita. I don't know if you have had the same experience but I suspect that you did. I look forward to one day being able to meet you in person, but until then Mahalo. May you also continue to be a light in the path of the new generation. A Hui Ho~ Kuuleinani
  • my email is kekahunakeaeiwi@yahoo.com
  • Aloha E Anakala, O Kuuleinani kou inoa. I have been searching for information of my ohana and twice have been pointed in your direction. If you are interested in sharing with me I would greatly appreciate it. I have been working on my geneology for quite some time now and this is the one area that calls to my heart the most frequent and strongest but for some reason I have never been able to go farther then Tutu's name and the fact that she lived her life in Maui. If this is the same person then it would explain to me why I have never found her even with the assistance of others. My kupunas passed on before I got to talk to them but over the years I have come to understand certain things. Maui for one has called to me since I was very young and I never quite understood it until now. I have never been there and have always had the desire to go but there was never any oppurtunity until now. I look forward to talking to you. Hope all is well, take care. A Hui Ho~ Kuuleinani
  • Aloha Foster:
    Last month I received this from Ku'uleinani - Mook:

    Anakala, Excuse me for asking but I was wondering if by any chance you would happen to know of a Ester Keaweiwi from the island of Maui. She was also know as Eda? I have been trying to find out more information on my tutuwahine on my daddys side. I would appreciate your kokua if you do know of this ohana. Mahalo~ Kuuleinani

    If you do, let me know and I'll put you guys in touch with each other.


  • Mahalo e Foster for ur friendship & aloha :)




  • Mahalo for your friendship please have an Excellent weekend :)

    ps. if u drink ride a whale !





  • Foster, I thought you'd be interested in this. Maybe you're both related, eh?


    Comment by Kuuleinani on April 26, 2008 at 9:16am

    Aloha Kakou, O' Kuuleinani Kou Inoa. I have been working on my Mookuahau and have been trying to find any information on my Tutu kane Kaukukala of Koolaupoko, Waikane. He lived in this area in or about 1850, I am also trying to find any information regarding my Tutu wahine Kaakau. "Nana I ke Kumu" is a phrase I am often given in my journey and I have collected some useful information from other sources outside of my own Ohana sadly all of my Kupunas who carried this knowledge with them have returned to the heavens. According to the geneology that had been given to me my tutukane (Kaukukala) and tutuwahine (Kaakau) had only one child who is my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather but after some futher research of my own it has been revealed to me that there were two other children born after my Papa. One wahine and one Kane. These two keikis were born in Waikane but in all of the old pala pala that I have found their names were never given. This surprise has lifted my heart much for now I have hope that somewhere out there I still have ohana who know of our ancestors. I am also looking for any information regarding my great, great, great, great tutu wahine Ester "Eda" Kahale Keaweiwi (Manono) besides her roundabout date of birth, the only other information I have is that she was born in Maui and lived there all of her life. If anyone has any information in regards to my ohana I would be very grateful for your kokua. Mahalo~~
    Any of you have any information on a Kahale Keaweiwi???? She was born on Maui and married a John Mana Manono and had two keikis. John Mana Manono Jr. and Elizabeth Kahale Keaweiwi.
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