Kuku ke kapa...

Aloha e Dalani, This is a great idea. What a beautiful page you have. Yes, we should invite Sabra and see if we can get others on board.

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  • Aloha ku`u hoa,
    I'm so happy for this discussion group on kapa. Mahalo Dalani for initiating it, and Momi for prompting me. Love the work you're doing at Ka'ala Farm, Dalani. My gosh, girl, do you never rest?

    We have a kapa exhibit on display at the Princeville Library this month. It's just a little display in two glass cases but it's the first for us to go really public with our kapa, tools, dyes, project history, etc. At the end of March we're celebrating Prince Kuhio's birthday with a celebration of Hawaiian arts at the Hyatt. I hope Momi is coming over for that. A kapa demo will be part of the cultural events.

    Aloha nui to Ha'upu for making the huge kihei. I would love to see photos of that!!

    About two dozen kane on Kaua'i have asked me to teach them to make their own malo. I suggested they begin by planting the wauke. In the meantime, they should make their tools.

    Dalani, are the kapa kits for the schools still available? Kupuna on Kaua'i have asked me.

    Me kealoha nui,
    • Sabra my friend! so good to hear from you and thank you for coming to hang out with us! Thats awesome about your exhibit and please post pictures when you get a chance. We were able to do a couple of class exhibits at Honolulu and Kapolei Hale and Leeward Community College and they were great. Yeah you know these kane all wanting to wear the maoli malo and not the muslin ones when they are out and about, but until their na wahine learn how, guess theyre on their own! having them plant and make tools is great, especially since that was what they did traditionally as their part of the kapa work. And yes we do still make the kapa kits... have them email kaalafarm@gmail.com to order or they can call 696-4954 for info. Please keep us updated on Kaua'i kapa goings on. and Momi, thank you, those wauke are just the joy of my life and nothing makes me feel more waiwai than to see this beautiful (and expanding) grove of trees. and hey hey, no genius here... just love to share the work that we love so much!
    • heres another pic from our exhibit last year. Also, the mala wauke in that picture is in Makaha... my Ka'ala mala is a JUNGLE and we are actually going to clear another more open space to plant again in an orderly cultivated fashion...its the only way to keep an upper hand on these guys.
    • Aloha e Kapa teetah,

      It's so great to see all the things going on around kapa. The exhibit sounds wonderful and I can't wait to see you and Auntie Stella at the Prince Kuhio Festival. Very good that you suggested planting the wauke first. That is really the beginning... I planted wauke but it seems to grow slow There about 6 feet tall now. You know, kona doesn't have too much ua but it is coming along and I'm proud of the little patch I have in my yard. I'm looking forward to it spreading. I think it was helpful to bury some fish in each hole. The ones I planted in the schools are doing well too. I warned the janitors about the characteristics of the plants but it is great cause in the future, I can go back and use it for their lessons. It's quite exciting...

      Love the classes Dalani. What a beautiful mala wauke you have at Ka`ala farms. For me, it is all breathe taking. Your classes sound so awesome. What a genius you are....beautiful works of your students as well.
  • aloha e momi:)
    he ninau: i live in puna and was wondering if you know of any kumu on the big island whom
    i can contact and possibly take papa kapa from?
    mahalo nui,
    momi wheeler
    • Aloha e Momi,

      O wau o Momi Subiono. I know of some women getting together to beat burial kapa, maybe you would like to join this group and kuku. I always feel like the more the merrier. We might be in Opihikao on a weekend. My family has a lot in Hawaiian acres, so we are there in Puna on some weekends. Do you know Joni mae Makuakane-Jarrell and Terry Reveira? We are working together on it.

      Mahalo for your interest. Yes, we would love to spread the word and art of kapa making.

      A`ohe pau ka `ike i ka halau ho`okahi - Not all knowledge is learned in one school.

    • mahalo nui momi for your reply.
      'a'ole, i do not know joni and terry.
      please keep me informed of how i can keep in contact with
      these na wahine in puna/hilo/big i.
      momi wheeler
    • I will email you my helu and you can send me your info. I live in Kona so we might have to plan it on a whim. E kala mai. This is what happens when you have such a busy life. but I'll talk to the other ladies about it and see when we are actually going to do it.


    • right on momi and momi this is what im talkin' about! getting the kapa makers together on all the islands so next time we all get together we have a crazy kuku kapa crowd! mahalo nui :)
    • Thanks Dalani,

      Kuku kapa kakou! Mahalo, for making this connection.

      Aloha no,

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