ai - fuel for your 3 piko
what is your favorite contemporary kanaka meal using traditional + modern ingredaments? So fare this year - Paiai Pizza - we make one sweet smoke meat paiai pizza, lomi salmon paiai pizza and crazy kalua puaa calzones. hook it up send some inspiration for us all to ai. let me know if you like recipies.
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"all wealth comes out of the ground or the sea"
and if you think about it it's true, the solution to all your economic problems are thus simplified, grow or fish your way to prosperity.
From an economic perspective, any money used to buy goods or services made off island causes that money to stay out of the local economy, which results in lower wages and lost jobs. If you buy local from someone who also buys local the money can continue to circulate for much longer before someone breaks the cycle and money leaks out of the local economy.
PS on this note, anyone in need of artistic talent I am willing to trade my skills as an artist for locally grown organic veggies fruits. lets work something out. Until then stay healthy wealthy and wise.
We stay holding back our own kanaka revolution. Ancient traditions are traditional industries that held together kanaka maoli for generations.
In Ianuali 2009 I started to transition kui ai into an oihana. Since then I have personally hand pounded at least 5,000 lbs of kalo into paiai. I been learning so much about varieties of kalo, how they all cook, clean and pound differently. I have been also learning how to prepare different ai using paiai as the foundatin - so far we have experimented with paiai pizza, lasagna, calzones, we make the most killer spam using koina ( oh yeah spam is for supa poi aktion man ), dumplings, poke, butter mochi, fried mochi, the list is too long.
so was up? bus some new ones!