Ok, I just want someplace to put down some of the crazy ideas that go bouncing around my ADD brain...WITHOUT anybody expecting me to actually do them. And I would love to hear the crazy ideas of others as well. Ok, here's one:
Today, my car overheated on Likelike Highway. I had my 'ilio with me, so I figga it's just Akua's way of saying "eh, check out this 'aina!" So I did. And while I was making my way through all the palm grass, philodendrons, etc., I got this idea...
How it works: kind of like Hi-5's, but better, cuz it's our guys doing it.
• A "recycling station" is set up for exchange.
• People bring especially nasty weeds, including the wood of weed trees, by the garbage bag or truckload, separated by species.
• good, usable materials are set aside and may be taken by carvers and other practitioners who can use them.
• good-quality mulch is made out of much of the rest. This mulch can be fermented on-site and made available to farmers when prime.
• Everything else is utilized as biomass in a small energy plant.
• The energy from this plant (maybe not much, but what the hell) is sold to the energy & fuel companies, who must buy it at top dollar in exchange for the temporary privilege of the use of our ceded lands, such as harbors and the land that some of their refineries sits on. They must pay a high enough rate (which would be easily supported by their current profit margin) to make this "bounty hunting" viable for kanaka. And they look good doing it, so everybody wins.
• Although I am against licenses in general, a basic "aloha 'aina test" might not be a bad idea, along with some basic educational stuff, because people can do a lot of damage when they don't know what they're doing. In order to qualify as a supplier, you have to keep a basically clean aloha 'aina record. Another approach would be to have people go out in teams (whoever shows up) rather than individually, and share the profits. At least some team members should be serious aloha 'aina people.
• To best target problem areas, mini "stations" can be set up in places that need a lot of help.
• Also, particularly nasty (or difficult-to-eradicate) species should get a very high target bonus rate. (can't you see it? "Species of the month: Maile Pilau!")
• Reforestation/sustainable agriculture should of course be part of the program, probably paid by the same source.
Ok, so that's Bright Idea #1. Next!
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Ok, here's Bright Idea #2, which I would love to do myself if I had a little more resources. But since I'm still waiting for Akua to give me Photoshop, etc., I'm passing it on. Somebody can make money if they do it right, for sure. I don't even need credit; however, I ask 3 things: 1) that it be clearly oriented toward ALOHA 'AINA and PEACE, and 2)that nobody accuse me of copying if I get my own design out someday, and 3) that kanaka do it, not an external commercial venture. Ok here goes:
Picture this: "camouflage" jackets, pants, etc. of strong cotton duck (or better yet, hemp!), just as well-made and practical as those of the Occupying Forces of America, in a camouflage pattern that speaks of our 'aina and people: maybe hinting of ferns, pohaku, kakau patterns, kukui, etc. Wouldn't that be awesome? Practical and beautiful, and it would send a strong message: yes, we are in battle. But our battle is for protection of the 'aina, for peace, for da big aloha. Not war, dummy.
I don't have a working scanner now, but if I get one, maybe I'll upload one of my watercolor drafts. Anyway, you get the idea. If it works for you, go for it!!
I think those are brilliant ideas that certainly can be done. Generating the people who can and want to do the things you mentioned in your Bright Idea #1 should be easy enough to do. Have you presented this to any other communities?
Also, if you don't mind, I would like to try making some kanakaflage. I think that's a brilliant and beautiful idea that echoes a truly wonderful statement of aloha 'aina. A few years ago when I visited back home in O'ahu my mom bought some camo board shorts from Crazy Shirts that had hula wahine and tropical leaves. I like use it for the same kind of reason but it lacks the made-by-kanaka for malama 'aina feel/message, you know? Now where can I go get some hemp fabric? I'll let you know how it turns out. :)
Laulani > Iwikuamoʻo OlanāiwiJuly 12, 2008 at 7:18pm
Go for it sista!
I would if I had the time, but I'm kind of short on that these days, and would be happy to see somebody do it!
I actually was given a reference for some good hemp sources; I don't know where I put it to tell the truth, but I'll look for it & if I find it I'll pass it on.
Good luck!
Aloha, Laulani
p.s. you know, one good way to test designs for relatively cheap is to get some U.S. issue camo or plain green jackets/pants etc. from thrift stores, etc. (Goodwill Outlet behind Dillingham Shopping Ctr. is the cheapest of cheap, but you gotta hunt) and alter the designs. Someone even pointed out to me that it would be cheaper to silkscreen da "kanakaflauge" prints right on top of them than to print a whole bolt of fabric, and even more eco-friendly than hemp, since it would be salvaged.
Picture this: "camouflage" jackets, pants, etc. of strong cotton duck (or better yet, hemp!), just as well-made and practical as those of the Occupying Forces of America, in a camouflage pattern that speaks of our 'aina and people: maybe hinting of ferns, pohaku, kakau patterns, kukui, etc. Wouldn't that be awesome? Practical and beautiful, and it would send a strong message: yes, we are in battle. But our battle is for protection of the 'aina, for peace, for da big aloha. Not war, dummy.
I don't have a working scanner now, but if I get one, maybe I'll upload one of my watercolor drafts. Anyway, you get the idea. If it works for you, go for it!!
I think those are brilliant ideas that certainly can be done. Generating the people who can and want to do the things you mentioned in your Bright Idea #1 should be easy enough to do. Have you presented this to any other communities?
Also, if you don't mind, I would like to try making some kanakaflage. I think that's a brilliant and beautiful idea that echoes a truly wonderful statement of aloha 'aina. A few years ago when I visited back home in O'ahu my mom bought some camo board shorts from Crazy Shirts that had hula wahine and tropical leaves. I like use it for the same kind of reason but it lacks the made-by-kanaka for malama 'aina feel/message, you know? Now where can I go get some hemp fabric? I'll let you know how it turns out. :)
I would if I had the time, but I'm kind of short on that these days, and would be happy to see somebody do it!
I actually was given a reference for some good hemp sources; I don't know where I put it to tell the truth, but I'll look for it & if I find it I'll pass it on.
Good luck!
Aloha, Laulani
p.s. you know, one good way to test designs for relatively cheap is to get some U.S. issue camo or plain green jackets/pants etc. from thrift stores, etc. (Goodwill Outlet behind Dillingham Shopping Ctr. is the cheapest of cheap, but you gotta hunt) and alter the designs. Someone even pointed out to me that it would be cheaper to silkscreen da "kanakaflauge" prints right on top of them than to print a whole bolt of fabric, and even more eco-friendly than hemp, since it would be salvaged.