Sample Hypnosis Scripts Posted Here
Aloha kakou, I am going to begin posting an assortment of hypnosis "scripts" which can give an idea of the kinds of ways we can use hypnosis for healing, decreasing stress, helping us live a healthier way, and so on. The scripts are very haole kine - that's because the material I am accessing comes from the Hypnosis community of the continental U.S. But the general idea of them may at times be adaptable, with different language and images, to something you might want to use. So, feel free to…
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I'm going to be getting certified this weekend in medical hypnotherapy, and will share what I have learned. I've been trying to figure out the best ways to transmit what I've been learning here, and I'm sorry if I've been lazy about it.
It would help if people say what is interesting to them. Mahalo!
The situation is also re-doing Maoli in a likeness that is not healthy or moral.
So, yes, we must "right" the picture.
Yes, stress is a real killer and Maoli in particular have too much. How ironic, and how terribly wrong, that the people who are most closely related to the 'aina are the ones experiencing the most stress, while the visitors/occupiers are flocking there to experience release from stress! Something wrong with that picture!!!!
We all need to release our stress and do agree that we don't do often to channel negative energy.