Will You Help Now? Help Stop The Akaka Bill! Email This Letter To Washington DC Today!
Cut and paste the example below. The deadline is this Thursday. Email to the House Natural Resources Committee to teresa.bravo@mail.house.go v and also fax to (202) 225-1931. Please Note - If emailing your testimony, it must be in a Word or PDF format attached to your email. June 21, 2009 The Honorable Nick J. Rahall II, Chairman The Honorable Doc Hastings, Ranking Member House Committee on Natural Resources U.S. House of Representatives 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE - OPPOSITION TO H.R. 2314 - Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 Dear Honorable Rahall, Honorable Hastings, and Members of the House Committee on Natural Resources: I am writing to submit this testimony in OPPOSITION to H.R. 2314, which seeks to express the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians and to provide a process of the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity. I OPPOSE H.R. 2314: Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 because of the lack of hearings held in Hawai`i. In 2000, only one hearing was held on O`ahu Island. All other hearings were canceled. The current and past bills addressing the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians to provide a process of the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity were subsequently redrafted and amendments were added with no input or testimony from the Hawaiian people. For 9 years, Hawaiians have requested that the island wide hearings be rescheduled so that the hundreds of Hawaiians who want to testify can be included and their concerns heard. Therefore, I strongly urge you to OPPOSE H.R. 2314. Sincerely, Your Name Address
Ho'opunipuni: Myth of Statehood. Clip 8. 5:49
Jon Osorio and Kuhio Vogeler respond to Arlene Waimana Grant on the Akaka Bill.
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Let's drive the nail home ...... and set it ! What is the identity of an Hawaiian ?? Well, the "governing entity" is none other than Our King sitting on His Throne at 'Iolani Palace. So very simple. Are Hawaiians kinfolk with Lakotas, Apaches, Hopi, etc. ?? Our kinfolk look like this:
Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III
Let's have the King of Tonga visit 'Iolani Palace ! Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. Please do not toy with the identity of Hawaiians. Please. Thank the gods that there were so many U.S. legislators who saw that the Akaka Bill would have brought another genocidal plague to the Hawaiian people !
So how should I go about writting testimony,
I’m not hawaiʻian so what I say may not count for much or it may count for more, I don’t know. Try my best how do make said testimony? can you give instructions on how to make said doc file.
Let's drive the nail home ...... and set it ! What is the identity of an Hawaiian ?? Well, the "governing entity" is none other than Our King sitting on His Throne at 'Iolani Palace. So very simple. Are Hawaiians kinfolk with Lakotas, Apaches, Hopi, etc. ?? Our kinfolk look like this:
Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III
Let's have the King of Tonga visit 'Iolani Palace ! Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. Please do not toy with the identity of Hawaiians. Please. Thank the gods that there were so many U.S. legislators who saw that the Akaka Bill would have brought another genocidal plague to the Hawaiian people !Congratulations, Pono !! You folks were successful !
KUOKOA, I saw a new Akaka Bill calling for the Bureau of
Indian Affairs to plan the remodeling of 'Iolani Palace and re-
opening as the 'Iolani Royal Casino, since the Hawaiians
cannot find a young King to sit on the throne. Where is Our King hiding ?
How can we restore or reinstate without a King to move immediately into the Palace ??
I’m not hawaiʻian so what I say may not count for much or it may count for more, I don’t know. Try my best how do make said testimony? can you give instructions on how to make said doc file.