
  • Although there might be several appropriate protocols, you could consider this:
    1. naming your pohaku, as you are the makua that created it and it is your child
    2. offering a pule similar to that given to the blessing of a house, also considered "born" its piko cut, and its entry made into a long life of service
    3. a ceremonial first drink of water, emparting life via Kane wai ola
    4. a ceremonial first meal, when the pohaku first gets a taste of the 'ai that it will be working with

    Through it all, evoke the kini akua and na 'aumakua, particular attention to Kane via the working of kalo and wai.

    Is this helpful? It may not be, depending on how much you already pule to the akua Hawai'i. Others may offer their mana'o on the protocols, or if they are already mea ku'i 'ai, they may consider sharing their protocols for a virgin pohaku ku'i 'ai.


    • Mahalo nui, 'Ohu. I really had no idea what I should do, though I knew I should do SOMEthing! :) Now I have a good start! I'm already thinking of a good name for my keiki.


    • Did your keiki pohaku kui ai get a name, have his piko cut, taste the water of Kane and have a first meal?
      just checking! ;)
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