...because you can take the Hawaiian from the 'aina, but you can't take the 'aina from the Hawaiian.it can sometimes be difficult to find other Hawaiians near you if you're stuck on the mainland, so this is for all of us Hawaiians away from home.
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  • I'm currently in, of all places, Ohio! I've only come across one other person from Hawaii and he lives about 3 hours away so it's not too easy to get together often. There must be more here than us two. Anyone know? How hard would it be for us to plan something so that all of us could get together sometime in one place?
  • Today is stormy, wet and cold. Reminds me of when Hurricane 'Iwa hit the North Shore on O'ahu ( and much of the islands). We were without power for two weeks. Made me feel closer to older days, when our kupuna did without electricity, televison and such. Far from 'one hanu, but the wind blows in memories of home.
  • hey rachel! i'm in sweden, freezing my ass off and missing home. how's nyc?
  • hey, if there's anyone out there who's from the new york area, there's a fantastic organization called "halawai" who is there to malama the Hawaiians in new york.

    i think this is good place to let other mainland Hawaiians know about stuff like that. :-)
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One Of My Favorite Quotes, Do You Have One?

Expect the best: Convert problems into opportunities: Be dissatified with the status quo: Focus on where you want to go, instead of where you're coming from: and most importantly, decide to be happy, knowing it's an attitude, a habit gained from daily practice, and not a result or a payoff. Denis Waitley (The Winner's Edge)

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