Eō Hālau Lōkahi!
o Kumu Hanaloa keia.
If you havenʻt heard already, a haole film company is attempting to shoot a lame movie called "the Barbarian Princess" at our palace. There was a protest today (anyone make it down?), and there will be another gathering/protest tomorrow at 9 am. For more info check out Uncle Pono Kealohaʻs site, google it, and/or check out this video at:
Basically, itʻs a massively distorted portrayal of our heir apparent, Princess Ka`iulani, who was in line for the throne after Queen Lili`uokalani. I donʻt know too much about it except that: itʻs hewa; it supposedly has no native Hawaiian consultants at all; Henry Noa with the Reinstated Nation and Palani Vaugn, amongst others, have taken the lead in formally protesting it and getting the word out to the rest of us; and Clayton Hee condemned it today at the Leg. Check it out if can.
Me ka `oia`i`o,
Kumu Hanaloa
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