Arguing points and how to disspel them regarding Hawai'i independence.
How often do we hear these arguments:
1. If not the U.S. another country would take over Hawai'i.
I always ask them, "Why?" They then look befuddled. I continue with the fac
for some another hearing is just a waste of time
debating with the illegal leaders, trapped in their chaos.
then for others the hearing may be the answer to the wrongs
exposing the illegal actions of the americans.
are we divided in our minds again a
Why are many of our kupuna known by different names? Some are known by the community by one name while the family will refer to them by another. I have also heard that some has “sacred/secret or kapu” names that is not intended for everyone to know.
----- Original Message -----
From: Leon Siu
Subject: More Inouye/Akaka bill controversy
Please post to list-serves. Mahalo
Aloha Kakou,
Mahalo to all who participated in last Monday’s Akaka Bill “sneak-attack” protest at the corner of Punchbowl a
I know EVERYONE here loves Hawai'i so please act fast! And pass forward. FOLLOW THE LINK below The Big Island Hui to get up to speed fast ... The quick of it...Hawaii Must Not be licensed to be a RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP! Deadline for public co
September 23, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser
'Barbarian Princess' film title raises some hackles in Hawaii
Producers banking that movie's 'ironic' name will appeal to wider audience
By Mary Vorsino
Advertiser Urban Honolulu Writer
Native Hawaiians yeste
we no longer want the status of entity,
still under another illegal governing element,
being under their unlawful directions of greed.
and now to be treated like indians, whom had NO government only entities of tribes.
we as kanaka maoli's had a lega
The Site Inspection scheduled for Thursday-September 24, 2009 by the Maui/Lana`i Island Burial Council will now take place with the Public being denied access by Kula Ridge Mauka Developer, Clayton Nishikawa, Phone: 242-6900, email: clayton@adcmaui.c
What you don't know about the United States Government could kill you...
Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experim
Anybody ova hea eat fish and poi? If yeah den what you goin do?
Give mana ai a call for your poi, pa'i'ai, or dry aku needs, (808)542-1326.
We make 500-800 lbs a week. Hand pounded pa'i'ai, mikini ai poi and of course you need i'a. This week we hav
Despite our previous history, and no one said we were perfect, the issue lies in the fact that we were a multi-ethnic nation within the Hawaiian Polynesian society and not within the racist WASP society of the U.S. The treachery and violation of inte
Thursday, December 17, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser
Illegal B&Bs Go Back To 'hiding out' As Honolulu Continues Ban
By Gordon Y.K. Pang
Advertiser Staff Writer
The Honolulu City Council's failure yesterday to allow more legalized bed-and -breakfast oper
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Native Hawaiian Bill Moves Ahead Without Revision That Upset State
H.R. 2314: Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009
By JOHN YAUKEY and Derrick DePledge
Advertiser Government Writers
Read more… > Business >
State Agency Opposes Full Maui Stream Diversion
By Allison Schaefers
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Dec 17, 2009
The state Division of Aquatic Resources and the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. argued yesterday against a staff rec
Maui/Lana`I Island Burial Council Site-Inspection September 24, 2009
Place: Kula Community Center, Lower Kula Road across of Holy Ghost Church.
Issue: Strong Possibility of Multiple ….(I REPEAT)….Multiple Ancient Hawaiian Burials.
Kealahou Ahupua`a (
This has got to stop. Anyone who is into investment here especially those in retirement stocks; those who purchase insurance of any kind ie: health, car, life, mortgage, house, etc not to mention the bus or taxi you utilize which purchase the gas tha
Aloha all... I found the original cancer map of Hawaii from the Hawaii State Health Dept. Copy and pass forward at will. These maps were created by a random telephone poll by Hawai'i State Health Dept. Now I admit a telephone survey is not based on r
A blog was posted, "Hawaiian". It question its usage and identification. At the end of his discourse, Kalani stated, "Next time you hear someone say that, ask them why they say "Hawaiian" and what is their definition of it. If they use it as a region