The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Truth About Our Sovereignty vs Aliens in our Islands

                                                                      Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

The Hawaiian Kingdom is documented as having gone "underground " In January 1893.....the usurpers under the direction of U.S. Secretary of State John Foster working under US President Benjamin Harrison created the Provisional Government which could only last about two years then changed to a Republic.

Hawaii was given back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 1894 and 1897 by US President Cleveland.

He had the U.S. flag hauled down in Hawaii and the new US President McKinley had the flag hoisted back up and made 2 nations: (1).the American Empire which represented territories with no treaties and  (2) the U.S. which dealt with nations that has treaties.

McKinley then had the Army Navy and Federal personnel "develop" Hawaii as a territory of the United States.  It was soon changed to the Territory of Hawaii.

Note territories could not stand alone because their sovereignty existed under the United States .

Hawaii was seen as a municipality.

The territory's attorney general claimed Hawaii to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" which was not true but a documented identity theft.

John Fosters grandson named Dwight D Eisenhower signed an executive order making the territory created into a state of the United States.


The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii has full sovereignty and the created territory by the United States has sovereignty as a part of the 50 states and territories with a shared sovereignty of the United States.

In other words the State documented cannot stand alone and is Not a nation by itself and is an illegitimate entity conjured up by those who planned, premeditated, caused piracy, racketeering in a neutral, friendly, non violent nation since the time of Kamehameha lll.

The Royal government is the legitimate government documented U.S. President Grover Cleveland et. als.

The 1850 Treaty continues on with article XIV applicable to pirates etc and maintained by Kamehameha lll's heirs and successors or the Kamehameha's and the U.S. President Taylor because it is a permanent treaty of amity and friendship.

It is a contractual agreement between two (2) sovereign, independent nations.

We are not the ones who did wrong and we are the allodial/forever superior, paramount landowners with evidence applying rule of law, international laws, etc.



1)  Monarchy government "went underground"


2)  John Foster's article:

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: The ...

Feb 22, 2020 — Mar 23, 2019 · John Foster's article - He directed the overthrow of 1893: ... who had the author of this articleAmelia Gora ... Posted by ...
3)  Discussion of moving from a Provisional government to a Republic:  Habeas Corpus case of Sheldon,

More of the BEST OF THE IOLANI: Reviewing the Crown ... › 2011971:Comment:316996
the NEW YORK TIMES newspaper. ... See the habeas corpus case of SHELDON, the editor of the HAWAIIAN HOLOMUA who ... GoraAmelia CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2003), and other books ... The reason was the passage of article 12 of the 1852 Constitution in
4)  Newspaper article about the development of the Territory of the United States turned Territory of Hawaii

The Legitimate Government of Hawaii Series: Why the U.S. ... › forum › topics › the-legitimat...
Mar 12, 2021 — U.S. President William McKinley ignored the facts that U.S. President ... Liliuokalani's body to the Territory of Hawaii which was developed by U.S. President William McKinley. ... Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were ... Mankichi In a 1903 criminal case, Territory of Hawaii v.

5) Two nations documented in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS - Peacock & Co. v. Rep Haw., 1898 & 1899, Hawaii Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

6)  A Municipality corporation - HAWAIIAN REPORTS - Mary A. Coffield v. The Territory of Hawaii, 1901, 

Hawaii Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

7)  U.S. President Eisenhower signed a Proclamation to make Hawaii a State.  He was the grandson of John Foster, the Secretary of State who directed the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

Oppositions documented and No Jurisdiction of the U.S. because there was No Annexation, etc.

1) by Harold Abel Cathcart and supported by Mele Keawe Kauweloa, a Kamehameha descendant, who was married to Charles Kauweloa, who was also a Kamehameha descendant.

2)  U.S. Supreme Court article:

Hawaii's long road to statehood – Pieces of History › 2017/08/21 › haw...
Aug 20, 2017 — Nevertheless, the U.S. annexed Hawaii easily with an American-run government already in power, making it the U.S. Territory of Hawaii in 1898. As a territory, Hawaii had little power in the United States government, holding only one, non-voting ... (Eisenhower Presidential Library, National Archives).

More references:


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    amelia gora
    Checking out "The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Truth About Our Sov" on Maoliworld: Corrected
    The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Truth About Our Sovereignty vs Aliens in our Islands
    The Hawaiian Kingdom is documented as having gone underground In January 1893.....the usurpers under the direction of U.S. Secretary of State John Foster wo…
  • Problematic Issues

    Hawaii’s long road to statehood

    Today’s blog post comes from Lily Tyndall in the National Archives History Office.

    Map of the Territory of Hawaii, 1915. (National Archives Identifier 25464219)

    Hawaii’s journey to statehood was long and difficult.

    For centuries the islands of Hawaii were ruled by warring factions. In 1810, King Kamehameha unified all of the Hawaiian Islands into one royal kingdom.

    During the 19th Century, Western influence grew and by 1887 the Kingdom of Hawaii was overrun by white landowners and businessmen. They forced then-King Kal?kaua to sign a constitution stripping him of his power and many native Hawaiians of their rights.

    In 1893, his successor Queen Lili’uokalani introduced a new constitution that would restore her power and Hawaiian rights. In response, the powerful white residents of Hawaii formed the “Committee of Safety” and overthrew Lili’uokalani to create their own government.

    Letter from Lili’uokalani, Queen of Hawaii to U.S. House of Representatives protesting U.S. assertion of ownership of Hawaii, December 19, 1898. (National Archives Identifier 306653)

    Although President Cleveland’s Blount Commission found that Lili’uokalani had been overthrown illegally, she never regained her throne. The Committee of Safety formed a new government of white officials known as the Republic of Hawaii.

    In a letter of protest written to the U.S. House of Representatives, Lili’uokalani stated that the Committee took her throne illegally, and that any U.S. efforts to annex Hawaii without the due process of law would be unacceptable.

    Nevertheless, the U.S. annexed Hawaii easily with an American-run government already in power, making it the U.S. Territory of Hawaii in 1898.

    As a territory, Hawaii had little power in the United States government, holding only one, non-voting representative in the House. The territory status allowed rich, white plantation owners to import cheap labor and export their products to the mainland with low tariffs. These landowners used their power to keep Hawaii in territorial status.

    Native Hawaiians and non-white Hawaiian residents, however, began to push for statehood. These residents wanted the same rights as U.S. citizens living in one of the 48 states. They wanted a voting representative in Congress and the right to elect their own governor and judges, who were currently appointed.

    J. Res. 1 of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, August 15, 1903. (Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, National Archives)

    Over the course of the next 50 years, the Territory of Hawaii worked to achieve statehood. The legislature sent multiple proposals to Congress including a joint resolution requesting statehood in 1903, only to be denied. Other resolutions were similarly ignored.

    In 1937, a congressional committee found that Hawaii met all qualifications for statehood and held a vote on statehood in Hawaii. Although this resulted in a vote in favor of statehood, the attack at Pearl Harbor paused all talks as the Japanese population in Hawaii came under suspicion by the U.S. government.

    Hawaii’s territorial delegate Joe Farrington, elected in 1942, revived the battle for statehood after the war.

    While the House debated and passed multiple Hawaii statehood bills, the Senate did not vote on them.

    Hawaiian activist groupsstudents, and political bodies sent in letters endorsing statehood in hopes of spurring congressional action. 

    President Eisenhower signing the Hawaii Statehood Bill, March 18, 1959. (Eisenhower Presidential Library, National Archives)

    In the 1950s Congress combined Hawaii’s statehood bid with Alaska’s. Congress ultimately decided to first grant statehood to Alaska, a then-Democratic leaning territory, in early in 1959. With this new Democratic state, Congress was now open to granting the then-Republican leaning Hawaii statehood to restore political balance.

    Finally, in March 1959, a Hawaii statehood resolution passed both the House and the Senate, and President Eisenhower signed it into law. That June, the citizens of Hawaii voted on a referendum to accept the statehood bill.

    On August 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed the official proclamation admitting Hawaii as the 50th statemarking the end of over half a century of work for Hawaiian statehood.

    Many documents regarding Hawaii statehood, including Lili’uokalani’s letter of protest, the Hawaiian legislative resolution for statehood, and even student brochures and personal letters written by Hawaiians are held here at the National Archives.

    Legislative documents related to Hawaii statehood can be found in the Center for Legislative Archives in Washington, DC. It houses congressional records such as bills and resolutions, memos, and committee reports from both the House and the Senate.

    Executive documents related to Hawaii statehood including letters, press releases, and the President’s remarks can be found in the Eisenhower LibraryIt houses documents and artifacts of the Eisenhower administration.

    Tagged Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower Presidential Library, Hawaii, States
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