Politics (4056)

Kaohi: Vomex and Tamadol when combined can be used to abuse both children and elderly by care givers! Paramedical Medications are used more and more on the black market in Hewa ways!

Our Hawaiian culture should be given the opportunity to continue their Na Kupuna  quality of life--when our Na Kupuna was wise and absolutely caring to their siblings as well as their aina.  

We should not resort to purchasing freely 'drugs' that

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Kaohi:I was at this City Council hearing--it was in plain view that the 'city' is sending our children to prison--instead of college. When Gabbard asked are you building prisons--the answer was yes!

Aloha Kaohilani ,

Thank  you to everyone who sent in testimony for Wednesday’s Council vote on  the Purple Spot. In just less than 24 hours, 433 people emailed the  council members, adding further to the 1,327 people who signed the  petition in suppo

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Kaohi: Drug Dealers sells Klerimid and Hitazine to our children and care givers of the elderly with malice in their brains. They have no remorse to the harm they do to our Hawaiian Society!

We must always be vigilant on vast amounts of HEWA and take it to it's dusty dungeons and have it crawl around the floors of Hell!

We must be there for our children and give them good values and the love they so deserve.  It means to protect them fr

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Kaohi: This article was released in Dec 15, 2011--Its truly sad that the APEC promoters are not around to see their HEWA in motion. Selling Illegal Prescription Drugs on Cyber Space is destructive!

SAMHSA News Release

Date: 12/15/2011 9:00 AM 
Media Contact: SAMHSA Press Office
Telephone: 240-276-2130

Illicit drug related emergency department visits vary by metropolitan area

Major metropolitan areas show significant variation in the rates of em

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Kaohi:After accessing Pohakea Hills on a religious access--Kimo and I went to Pa'i'ai in Pearl City--It was so amazing to spend the evening opening an imu and sitting down to a feast!

From: "Kaimoku" <kaimoku@hawaii.rr.com>
Date: February 21, 2012 1:10:06 PM HST
To: "AA-Kaimoku" <kaimoku@hawaii.rr.com>
Subject: Pa'i'ai in Pearl City

From Mel Takahara, Escondido, CA.

During my visit to O'ahu last week, I made cont

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