Politics (4056)

Kaohi: Law of the Splintered Paddle when defined by a law viewer deems it useless. Hawaiians are never static things get passed down. If a native person wants to sit by the road he has the right!

Article in part taken from the "The Hawaii Independent"

All sides agree Bill 54 does little for Honolulu’s ‘homeless’ problem

"The Hawaiian Law of the Splintered Paddle, or Kanawai Mamalahoe, was invoked by several opponents of the measure. The law

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Kaohi: Beverly Ann Deepe Keever, It's taken time for me to read and comprehend this story because it has a devastating effect/affect on those of us that are generational Hawaiians living together!


Maza Attari [left], who was a seven-year-old resident of the Marshall Islands when the US exploded the Bravo H-bomb, outside his Kalihi home. Unidentified child, 1957, Rongelap repatriation photo by Jack A. Tobin.

Nuclear Guinea Pigs


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Kaohi: These drug dealers have no remorse when it comes to genocide. It would take an isolated 'pig headed' sick idiot to sell drugs to the most vulnerable people which are children and the elderly!

Care giving to the elderly are the most vulnerable persons to misuse of drugs.  We don't have social medicine and therefore the cost for care is tremendous to the elderly.  

Our children are also to at risk for drug abusers to target that populati

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