From: "Kaimoku" <>
Date: February 21, 2012 1:10:06 PM HST
To: "AA-Kaimoku" <>
Subject: Pa'i'ai in Pearl City

From Mel Takahara, Escondido, CA.

During my visit to O'ahu last week, I made contact with a fellow who raises taro in the back part of the Sumida watercress farm in Pearl City.  He makes and sells pa'i'ai, the pounded taro before it is diluted to make poi, and it is amazingly good.  He sells it for much less than they charge at Whole Foods.  He is letting me know whenever he cooks and pounds a new batch.  He uses the traditional method of making the poi.   
This young husband/father is trying to establish himself in the business.  He doesn't even have a business name yet.  He is a very good person, full of aloha.  His name is Anthony and his e-mail address is:

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