» The recession pushes the Governor to argue for changes, including a conversion from heavy rail to light rail; the Mayor of Honol
Politics (4056)
Kaohi: Like I say sometimes 'Shit rolls down the hill" so does the sweet potato on Punchbowl
Hi Kaohi.
Pomai never hit on me (age 44) or on my niece (age 20.) Especially my niece who is VERY YOUNG, slim, and gorgeous.
He never hit on her once and she stood ALONE next to him for HOURS so where
For Abel Lui et. als. ---Help is All Around You With Palapala------Information For You or All Kanaka Maoli in Similar Situations.....
Hi Andrew.............
Do you know how to get in contact with Lui?
The questions needed to be answered:
1) Who was granted the lands in the Mahele of 1848?
2) Do you have a direct connect to t
Read more…Kaohi: Do I buy into this story hook, line and sinker? No, but it is a start! And you should understand what start means!
Do I understand 'start' myself no..I just work at it each day--so that we have a new start in Hawaii each day and not an exist!
Drug Court participants earn money, gain self-esteem working at Mililani farm
By Minna Sugimoto
MILILANI (HawaiiNewsNow) -
Only Congress Can Initiate War BUT OBAMA MOVES TO WAR.......War Powers or Power Hungry?
President VIOLATED War Powers Resolution, DISREGARDS Congress, DISREGARDS the People -
so therefore is POWER HUNGRY part of it with the move towards
Read more…"PONO ALERT" ALOHA OE: Neil and His LuLu BELLS
Kaohi: "Pentagon's First Energy Plan" Getting beyond the 'local ignorance!
In a bid to save lives and money, the Department of Defense on Tuesday presented its first plan to change how it uses energy on the battlefield.
The strategy, which will be fleshed out this summer with a more detailed implementation
Read more…Kaohi: Ancestral grounds desecration of burial mounds--users and abusers vs. future generations of native nations and their sacred grounds
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:23:49 +0200
From: Evelin Cervenkova <lakotaoyateinfo@googlemail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Action Alert: Arizona Snowbowl begins desecration sacred San
Francisco Peaks
Lakota Oyate Information in Germany: http://www.lakotaoyateinfo.
Read more…Legal Notice: Keep With Your Land Records --- Our Families Would Talk with the 40+ Hawaiian Kingdoms, etc.
Legal Notice
The True Hawaiian Flag (picture unavailable)
A United Group Suppressed by the U.S. Possible? ....American Indians, Alaskans, all former slaves, nations, etc.
Kaohi:The Governor (my friend) should cut Marus Alexander's spread sheet 1-9 items from the face of the earth and let us feed the homeless!
Governor Abercrombie signs budget into law, more cuts on the way
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Governor Neil Abercrombie Thursday morning signed the state budget into law for fiscal years 2012 and 2013.
The budget calls for a $50 million "fiscal constrain
Kaohi: I wish I had money to share and donate to KAHEA an awsome organization!
In our featured article this month, UH Mānoa Professor Candace Fujikane shares some powerful community stories about urbanization and the future of farming in Hawai‘i. Candace (pictured here, far right, with Aunty Lucy Gay and Aunty Alice Greenwood)
Read more…Kaohi: Back tracking for information on the Rail: Quick Read-I did not attend Tom Bergs meeting on the Rail at Ewa Makai Middle School
It's Governor Lingle versus Mayor Hannemann on Honolulu Rail Project
Kaohi: Leonard Peltier needs our help! Please write a letter to Thomas Kane, Acting Director Federal Bureau Of Prisons...Leonard is not well and is always in need of medical care!
On June 27, Leonard Peltier was removed from the general population at USP-Lewisburg and thrown in the hole. Little else is known at this time. Due to his age and health status, please join us in demanding his immediate return to general population
Read more…Meetings to Go To..........
show details Jun 20 (1 day ago)
Shirlyn Ho‘okano
Ku‘iwalu | Pauahi Tower, Suite 750 | 1003 Bis
"PONO ALERT" Hawaiian National Leon Speaks, PONO ACTION!
Aloha Hawaiian Nationals!
This is our opportunity! After crying ‘foul’ for the 10 years that the Akaka bill was deliberately kept out of our reach in Washington DC, we now have it in our home court! Let’s pull together, rise to the o
PONO ALERT: Round Up The Usual Supects.... and Shoot Them!
CountPunch Weekend Edition
May 13 - 15, 2011
Terror, Legality and the New Rules of War
Round Up the Usual Suspects ... and Shoot Them
The issue is not whether b
Read more…Kaohi:The Formation of Hale O Na Alii Chapters On Other Islands
The Formation of Hale O Na Alii Chapters On Other Islands
"Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."---MAtt: 5-15
Several years of after the organinzing
Read more…Reclaimed Your Ancestral Lands? Next Step(s): Self Sufficiency - Keep for Information, etc.
Gardening - even taro can be grown this way:
Aquaponics - Grow your own fish and vegetables (DIY)
Date: 2011-05-20, 7:16AM HST
Reply to: sale-whe9d-2392559726@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Would you like to learn how to set up y
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011-2001 Opposition & Notice Denying OHA, et. als.
U.S. President Barack Obama
Governor Neil Abercrombie
Many Interested Others
Re: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2001 Opposition to S.B. No. 1520, etc. and Denying Occupation entities/OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs/