Deep in the Heart of Texas! Clap!, Clap! Clap!
Mahalo piha to Sista Meliss for her maka'ala.
Most of Hawaiian Nationals have long known this agenda. Although the cast changed, the plot has remained the same for 118 years, only now it is more deceitful because they Hawaiian Actors in lead roles. We also know Galuteria is posturing himself to succeed Abercrombie. Our real problem is not the Galuteria, Hee, Solomon  Danners, Kanaheles, Abercrombie, Akaka, or Inouye. Our problem is the Hawaiian that went Native bearing Federal garments.  
Hawaiian Nationals must Ku'e at Washington Place on July 6 just as we did at the Coronation of King Neil on December 06, 2010 on I'olani Palace Grounds. 
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 7:42 PM



Something of interest... thank you Mikahala.


Nation within a state??? Kau Inoa??? 5 member Native Hawaiian Roll Commission???


Trial date for treason?


From: Mikahala Roy []
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 6:00 PM
To: Tom Lenchanko


Report from Meliss Haa Moniz, President Kai 'Ula Pono'i Texas Hawaiian Civic Club:


Thought this was too important to not bring to your attention. 


I just going start from the beginning there is no easier way to do this.


I was in Washington DC June 2-6.  June 4th, Brickwood Galuteria addressed SB 1520.  He stated that it passed the legislature and is going to be signed by Abercrombie on July 6th.

On that day we become a "Nation Within A State".


A five member commission will be appointed by the Governor no later than 180 days from nominations submitted by qualified Native Hawaiians and qualified Native Hawaiian membership organizations.  A qualified NH membership includes an organization that, on the effective date of this Act, has been in existence for at least ten years, and whose purpose has been and is the betterment of the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people.


I addressed the Native Hawaiian Roll...........which I literally called Kau Inoa with Galuteria.  Which he then addressed as Kau Inoa.  I questioned the validity of the list and if people still wanted their name on the list and list being used for it's original purpose.  Anyways he stated that the names on the list were being verified.  They were were going to pay to have Hawaiian ancestry verified.  That is was going to be the final decision of the commission of 5 as to whether this list was going to be used or a new list created.  But what I could gather from this discussion Kau Inoa was the list they were going to start working with.  Mention was made of the DHHL list and the Kamehameha Schools list but most time spent on how they were going to make sure the names on the Kau Inoa list was legit.


Discussion was held on OHA's role in all this.   According to HB 1520,  OHA is to foot the entire bill for the Native Hawaiian  Roll Commission.  The Native Hawaiian Roll Commission in cooperation with OHA has to report to the governor and the legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2012, on the status of the preparation of the roll of qualified NH's, expenditures related the responsibilities ,  etc.........


This whole discussion was very upsetting cause Galuteria was very high makamaka, for one radio announcer turned politician.........talking like a car salesman.   I literally asked him what the Danners had to do with all this since all OHA was doing was footing the bill.  I asked him how it was ok to use our money to pay for this state process.  He stated that this Commission can decide when OHA's role will dismantle and end,  as the state will step out of the whole process.


Ok...then what?  After they step out what's the next step?


He said that we'll probably come under the Federal government, Department of the Interior, like the Indians.    


So this what we looking at it.


CNHA, SCHAA and DHHL have been working hand in hand  for years. That's  where we figure  the State going put the Nation.   Take all our assets and put the Hawaiians on reservations like the Indians.


Well this the latest scoops for what it's worth I can't just go down fighting without passing around the scoops..........


July 6th,  Abercrombie,  OHA,  Danners,  SCHAA, DHHL,  and all them entities plan for have one big celebration of the signing of SB 1520 that make us one "Nation Within A State"......................up to you if you like go  party....


Heard 2 seats on the 5 Roll Commission going be filled with Robin Danner and  Kamaki Kanahele..........rumor maybe but scary rumor....................


Heard that Michelle Kauhane going be appointed to replace Bobby Hall on DHHL. 


Getting back to the June 2-6, 2011 meeting in Washington DC, the OHA Research Team  found original documents signed by Queen Liliuokalani outside of Washington DC's archives in a secured vault in  Maryland.  These documents which we of the Civic Club saw were photo copies of actual documents signed by the Queen at the time of the overthrow and days following...............the actual documents with her signature and seal.


Ke Akua must have brought these documents of our Queen to light for purpose at this time of great turmoil.   In her own words,  written in her hand,  there may be messages for us, that need to be revealed to make things pono.


I feel that we the people of Hawaii have the right to see these original documents especially as this time when the State is ready to sell us down the road.  Why is a OHA a State Agency being allowed to call the shots on who gets to see these documents.  Can we not have an independent team go up there and also read along to protect our interests.


Let us put aside our differences and unite.


As long we breathing we get chance.


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  • There are two sides to every coin...thank you Gov'r. for recognizing the Native Hawaiian Role - however, you mischaracterize that roll - the roll is actually the Kingdom of Hawaii government pursuant to the Constitution of 1945...however, we are glad you recognize us and we look forward to working with your government to negoiate the terms of your de-occupation and restitution.


    Mahalo Nui.



    • Recognize US ONLY of the Blood and the HELL with the Rest of US as Ohana.  Ohana who have married into our Bloodline and given birth to our children!  

      With the Hawaiian Homes Blood Quantum that may apply to SB 1520, guess what happens to rest of US of Less of the Blood Quantum.  SUCK WIND for the next 118 years! 

      That's Why I keep on saying, Beware of Neil and His LuLu BELLS...................... o Pomai

  • Get Ride of OLD Pilau LuLu BELL Kaohi..................
  • Aloha Kakou.

                             Thought this was too important to not bring to your attention, OHA is on a roll to the tune of $125,000, please see:



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