Politics (4056)

Kaohi:I started to have differences with Ka Lahui because of the broader scope, but this is because I did not have the back ground knowledge nor the education to do critical thinking (Part three)

Senator Inouye says he has had hearings in Hawai‘i, and that Hawai-
ians supported the bill, but it’s not the same bill it was years ago when
we were dealing with the first draft written by Hawaiians. The truth is
that the reason the support for the orig

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kingdom of maui nui

i pray that the Capitol of Lahaina, the original Hawaiian Kingdom Government that was here on Maui Nui, before it was taken to Oahu, only to be overthrown by the illegals......begin the process of Restoration on Maui Nui......may the Ali'i Nui's of o

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