This is a pivotal time for all Kanaka Maoli. This is the vision that Kamehameha Ekolu held, a vision that Kanaka Maoli would always have their land and no one can lawfully take it away, steal it, or claim it. This is the reason Queen Liliuokalani stood firm that day when the private for profit, plundering, criminal, corporation, the United States of America Military which is a de facto corporation in the de jure united states of America, because she knew and had faith in what Kamehameha Ekolu had set up for Kanaka Maoli and knew that one day it would come to pass. She did nothing to jeopardize what Kamehameha Ekolu set up for Kanaka Maoli and that is why EMI today has to pay for not being able to prove they have clear title to any land in the archipelago of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina. Mahalo to all Kanaka Maoli who are researching their genealogy and vesting up their Palapala Sila Nui and Palapala Hooko for the future of their children, their grand children, their descendants. Kalula

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  • I second that ....

    I may not be Kanaka Maoli ...but, I am Kanaka Maoli in heart . Thanks for posting this ... just want to say that ... it is very critical time for Kanaka Maoli in Hawaii because according to the latest census their population are shrinking.... maybe the politicians would think that ...gee Hawaii is jut another state and people can leave or stay ....but with continue skyrocketing rents and inflation is now 4.9 in the aina is a totall hell for many Kanaka Maoli and locals ... anyway....have a good day..
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