Protest the taping of Ka'iulani

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Protest the taping of Ka'iulaniRacist Script & storyline Continues the lies about the Sovereign Nation & Kingdom of Hawai'i'The Barbarian Princess' and that by using Iolani Palace, the film purports to be a true depiction of the time.The $9 million movie is be being produced by Matador Pictures and Trailblazer Films. A spokesman, Ricardo Galindez of Island Film Group, said producers had already changed the title to satisfy critics, but did not know about Hee's new criticism.'We are working with many people in the community for years now and with cultural advisers,' Galindez said.

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  • hollywood can hire cultural consultants up the ying yang but will STILL do whatever they think is BEST for the film, but keep after them! once i called a film produce who started filming in australia to tell them that their script had my first name, last name, husbands name and two passed-away friends names and no way this could all be, as they say in the disclaimer, "coincidence". no threats or lawsuits but just pointed out that, no permission also. at any rate... the title, barbarian princess has got to go......
  • Maika'i Loa...mahalo for putting up Uncle Soli's crucial mana'o.
  • Aloha Pono, I was there with you folks this morning to help kue this movie. Mahalo for putting up these postings and movies about this important issue. And what an AWESOME photo music video for Hawaii 78. Chicken there anyway I can download a copy of that to show my students? Aloha, Mahealani
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