PUBLIC NOTICE 7-18-2011 was READ ON THE STEPS OF IOLANI PALACETHE AUTHORIZING OF THE ALLODIUM LAND OWNER AND SOVEREIGNIMMUNITY OF KAMEHAMEHA VI, AND TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNIn the Circuit Court Of The First Circuit of the State of Hawaii, confirmed by the court clerk, on June 1, 2011, Re: Civil Case # 9-1-2827-12 PWB, which the pleading of Kamehameha VI a.k.a Windyceslau D. Lorenzo, was upheld, whereby granting authorization as owner of the allodium and Sovereign Immunity, preceding written court Order to follow.This public notice is to resolve the issue of land title to all claims made by the Heirs. Therefore, pursuant to the Treaty of Friendship 1849, between Kamehameha and the President of the United States of America, and because of necessity based on an imminent peril to the health, land(s) and safety Issues for the Kamehameha family, the following will be adhere to:(1) No Person(s), Entities, Group(s), Individual(s), Corporation(s), LLC's, City and Counties of Hawaii, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands, University of Hawaii, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Kamehameha Schools, Trustees for the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust, State of Hawaii, United States Federal Government, and or any of their agents and or hirelings etc., will not sell, convey, lease, rent and or negotiate any of the land(s), air space, water and mineral rights, within the archipelago owned by the Kamehamehas'; nor(2) To Violate or Breach the peace and the Sovereign Immunity of the Kamehameha Heirs and successors forever, established by Treaty of 1849; nor(3) To Use/Exploit our family name "Kamehameha", without written authorization by Kamehameha VI, the family administrator, and to any violation stated above will be liable grounds for civil/criminal action suit. Whereas, this public notice shall take effect pursuant to court confirmation on June 1, 2011.All remedial measure/correspondents will be directed to Mr. Joseph K. Maunupau Jr. (Consultant firm of Maunupau Group), at 808 Ahua St. UPB 64, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, all calls will be between the hours of 9:00 am -- 3:00 pm, Monday- Friday, 808-306-3294. Dated: This 30th day of June, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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I agree we are not native Americans, and Public Law 95-341 Freedom of Religious Act under the US access on military occupied lands. Veterans of the US Armed Forces pray to their flags, why can't we access and pray to our iwi that have been resting for thousands of years?
So typical of US military to block the information and cause confusion, which is how we got Pearl Harbor which led to Nagasaki, Hiroshima and nuke children sitting in their classrooms! US Veterans prefer violent confrontations on the defense line, instead of paying attention to the purpose of the protest.
Thanks to Ao this came down with both disagreeing and without confusion leading to an arrest!
Public Law 95-341 was a set agreement so that prayers and spiritual access would continue by the first people which is not easy to do. Rituals of circumcision by the Judaism are fully honored, Japanese Tea Ceremony was performed on the top of the stairs at the Iolani Palace by the grandmaster of Japan and most recently given a place of honor on a military base. Disrespecting our rituals at gun point seems the normal actions now a days.
I was with Uncle Sam Lono during his religious access and the Judaism side of the process was ugly and down right close to 'evil'. I truly don't know why Judaism (missing foreskin race) needs to fit our rituals into their mindset and rules. It doesn't work that way in respect to spiritual prayers to the higher being.
Thank you A'o for ending this with rigor and relavance to our god's and not their Judaism.
I agree we are not native Americans, and Public Law 95-341 Freedom of Religious Act under the US access on military occupied lands. Veterans of the US Armed Forces pray to their flags, why can't we access and pray to our iwi that have been resting for thousands of years?
So typical of US military to block the information and cause confusion, which is how we got Pearl Harbor which led to Nagasaki, Hiroshima and nuke children sitting in their classrooms! US Veterans prefer violent confrontations on the defense line, instead of paying attention to the purpose of the protest.
Thanks to Ao this came down with both disagreeing and without confusion leading to an arrest!
Hawaiian Nationals need not to get a permit to access Iolani Palace and its grounds.
All Hawaiian Nationals should do is just inform the FAKE State of their intent to access Iolani Palace and its grounds.
OLD LuLu BELLS like KAOHI and her so called First People needs to STOP the BULL SHIT and LIES!
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993
Public Law 95-341 was a set agreement so that prayers and spiritual access would continue by the first people which is not easy to do. Rituals of circumcision by the Judaism are fully honored, Japanese Tea Ceremony was performed on the top of the stairs at the Iolani Palace by the grandmaster of Japan and most recently given a place of honor on a military base. Disrespecting our rituals at gun point seems the normal actions now a days.
I was with Uncle Sam Lono during his religious access and the Judaism side of the process was ugly and down right close to 'evil'. I truly don't know why Judaism (missing foreskin race) needs to fit our rituals into their mindset and rules. It doesn't work that way in respect to spiritual prayers to the higher being.
Thank you A'o for ending this with rigor and relavance to our god's and not their Judaism.