It is a sovereign state with dominion, the right to join the UN, and fly it's own flag.
On the other hand, under federal recognition and the Akaka bill, Hawai`i would technically become a "captured nation," meaning that international law could not prohibit US aggression and total extermination of its indigenous Hawaiian population.
Even worse, Native recognition would be conditional only after extinguishing Hawaiian Kingdom Citizenship political status (your right to exist.)
The Akaka bill would not grant full autonomous self-rule and would in fact destroy Hawaiian Kingdom territorial integrity which continues to exist right now, even as you read these words.
Why reject the Akaka bill for a Free Hawai`i ?
Independence is formal recognition of Hawai`i's territory and laws. It's subjects are not under US jurisdiction.
The Akaka bill means forever giving up all that and agreeing to being part of the US as wards of the US federal government.
The Hawaiian Kingdom still exists, has its own bill of rights, constitution and comprehensive laws.
Only by the assertion of our dominion and a Free Hawai`i can we protect our beloved homeland with international support.
Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence first begins in the minds of the people who want to be Free, Sovereign and Independent!
Long Live The Kingdom Of Hawaii Nation!
"Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum;" Public Law 103-150
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
This tells me that I and my Hawaiian National ancestors still hold the Sovereignty of the National Lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nation!
That as a Hawaiian National of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nation, I am Sovereign of the Laws of the United States of American?
FREE the Kingdom of Hawaii Nation, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993
ALOHA Kakou,
Under the AKaKa BILL, Hawaiians of the Blood will be required to "Relinquished their Inherent Sovereignty to their National Lands" of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nation!
All 550 Native American recognized entities all had to "Relinquished their Inherent Sovereignty" to the National Indian Tribal Lands!
No One is talking about this! As this is the Kaona behind the AKaKa BILL!
As Wards of the US Federal Government, Hawaiians must Relinquished their "Inherent Sovereignty" Rights to their National Lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nation!
Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii Nation............... o Pomai