There are many experiences that I can share of my life, yet none can surpass this experience this past Saturday, May 2, 2009 at approximately 8:40 p.m. or so.Before I begin, let me share my mana'o on several things. As a kanaka maoli, I've had the privilege for the past three months of reconnecting to our Hawaiian culture. For many years I've spent in college and so forth, yet never made time to connect spiritually and emotionally with our culture in physical form. I have been there for genealogy, but others were very limited. I've read about 500 journal articles pertaining to my research, spent endless hours at the beach, park, etc just doing my homework while watching and playing with my children in between. I am a "bookworm!"Only recently that I've had the privilege to engage in our Hawaiian culture and proud to say so! Cousin Alexander Luka interview with him has really hit the "core" of being a kanaka maoli. There are no words to describe the HISTORICALINJUSTICE we feel today and back then. For many years, well practically since high schools days, I've not had many opportunities to celebrate the Hawaiian culture. Perhaps the food mostly likely, even though I don't eat raw food. I may sound "kinda funny," but is just me. I don't take what I can't eat or heaven forbids!It was what he said at the Celebration of the Battle of Nu'uanu! Alexander Luka was honest and shared mana'o that really showed a different side. It hit the core of all substance of what he and many others like myself missed out. Afraid to admit or shame to share in fear of being ridiculed! I felt the same way too! He was genuine and encouraged the po'e to return home!People can be "anal retentive" who stereotypes and criticizes us for having a beautiful culture! Nothing new and I've been there and heard it all!Now........we are in the present state of mind and time which is 2009. I went on a journey that I refused to participate. I gave the hardest time and created footwork to make sure it didn't work! I was adamant to break all rules!In the process of "going into a deep state of mind," crickets can be heard along with passing cars and outdoor noises! As the numbers were counted and other terms were used to comfort the soul and find a place for balance or peaceful, I fought it! I moved my foot and clinched my fist and repeatedly said no!I SLOWLY WENT INTO THAT FRAME OF MIND and I traveled back into time. I was looking for water and someplace more comforting, but unable to find that place! I don't recall how long I was in it, but something happened!Okay I got to breathe.......Tears rolled down from my left eye slowly. I went back into time and present at a burial of great grandfather from Kaua'i...My 'ohana was weeping for him....I saw my kupuna on all four lines. I heard two baby voices. One was oldest sister and my child from the past life........I heard my father speak in "Olelo Hawaii to someone, not sure who he was talking to at Iliiliopae on Molokai. I saw a bright light and heard my aunty Alice tell me to go back, its not mine time, you need to take care of your kuleana. I saw all the men in my life (one was sick)By this time, tears from my right eye was coming down like a waterfall. I was not crying at all (you can tell when you are emotional, the heart beats fast too)!The last person I saw was Queen Liliuokalani in her room in the tower weeping! I reached out to her to comfort her!By the this time, the energy that entered through both feet went up my legs in waves. Yes, it was occurring in wavelike forms and stopped at my knee then to the piko. The mana was in my piko. What an amazing experience because that energy release all negative energy and cleansed my SOUL!I don't know of these things, but it was "Deep!" When I got out of it, I wiped my tears and didn't share. I was one of seven in the group. By the end, I did share my experience with the group. I was "stoked" yet comfortable of sharing my experience of my journey into time!Lesson Learned: I had been very disappointed with the "general world" because they took away our right to be KANAKA MAOLI! I was disappointed at all schools I attended and the negative energy released was lifted off my shoulder. Oh, I did express my mana'o and ripped the apart my high school who never taught us the true history.I'm not ashame to share and express my mana'o aloud.I'm not ashame to celebrate our Hawaiian culture with my children.I leave you this message to self reflect upon..WE ARE NOT PERFECT AND LIFE IS TO SHORT! BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE AND PERPETUATE OUR CULTURE WITH YOUR CHILDREN.. THE WORK IS NOT DONE AND MANY MORE TO TAKE CARE OF!My response to Queen Liliuokalani was...the HEWA is close to an end and we will all turn A NEW CHAPTER IN OUR HISTORY...CRY NO MORE FOR THE PO'E WILL RISE AND THE HEAVENS WILL LIGHT UP...Mahalo to the seven who took that journey. We all stopped at different places, however we all share a common goal! NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU COME FORM! Be connected in both heritage and genealogy!Mahalo Ke Akua and na kupuna...A big ALOHA to Alexander Luka for sharing and inspiring me to do so too! I did give him a call last night and shared my mana'o with him!namaka'ehaAloha from my 'ohana...