The best way of farming fish in these islands is what has worked for thousands (NOT hundreds) of years. FISHPONDS. Yes, they require more we'd have to rebuild many of them due to neglect by a state who is potentially ALLOWING an OUTSIDE business to go in for the "kill". If it worked for kanaka will work to this day.Of course, we must acknowlege that the occupiers think they ALWAYS know better than us people of the land.They have their eye ALWAYS on the prize (the money somebody is making...rarely the population but only a few profit). Everything is a "profit" for them. They only see green. They TALK "green" as it is the new "buzz word" to pretend you actually care about the earth...but in reality...they are destroying every last inch of it for profits. Enough is enough...don't you think. (I didn't write the following...a friend of mine did).Years ago I was on an atoll called Rangiroa. I went with my best friend and her boyfriend who was at that time the head of UH Marine Sciences. We were asked to visit a fish farm there and to see why there was such an outbreak of "siguiteria" (spelling might be wrong). The Tahitians had divised an incredibly complex series of fish traps and holding pens along the shoreline. Incredible. It was teeming with fish. They said they only trapped the number they needed for the population there (about 350)...and then...closed the trap. But...after thousands of years of using this same system...something went bad...and they couldn't figure out WHY the fish were contracting this deadly disease. (you cannot tell a fish has the disease UNTIL after you eat it. Then...the eater of the fish dies...simple as that. No warning...just gone.)Well, my friend told them from what he could tell it was the RESULT of the nuclear bomb that the French exploded on a nearby atoll (was it bikini?, can't remember). He cried as he told them. There was nothing that he could do to provide a "test" that would warn he cried...knowing that more would die if they kept eating the fish, knowing full well that it was their main sustenance food. The French disregarded the tahitians, just like the US disregards the inhabitants of these islands by putting us in harm's way due to "depleted uranium" and many other toxins. For what? A profit, what else?Donna-----------------------------------------Aloha Kakou,I think what needs to be put forth is that Ocean Blue originated with research from UH. Monies, grants were given to professors, scientists and students to first do research on our ocean. Look at the beginnings of the Kona ocean project, it started with limu, abalone, etc. down there by the Kona harbor.First they come and say they doing this research because not going have ahi, not going have limu and so on so that they get grant for research when in reality it is UH professors who see a way to get free money to start a business, and under the guise of research they get to monopolize the end product.It is no secret that eventually the professors, scientists retire and are the CEO's of these companies. Our tax dollars paid to start their businesses.They give back token bits to the community and rake in millions.Now these pellets that they using to feed the fish are scary being as someone suggests may be like frankenstein food........ .biogenetically altered food....that not only these caged ahi will eat. Particles of this fish food will be spread by the currents and tides, there is no way they can contain it or choose who they feeding.I think this will be worst pollution than the runoffs from the golf courses.Everything in the ocean will be altered in time. In the name of science our food from the aina has been tainted..... they have been fooling around with our food from the ocean.If there was no profit coming out of building more cages......they would not do it.Enough is enough.
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  • good luck Donna. Koahi
  • tell them no fish or our fishes will die in the water, do you know that more people ben takng lt of sharks been comming. i feel all our fishesbelongs to us and to share with those who will take care our lands, and not use it for only them or their science, fish is some thing to eat and heal on our lands not for others to take, another thing pollutinto our sea is another era that i hate i wish these people wil stop pushing things in our sea coruseing chemical pollution and oil to run cross boarders jesus gave all o us each lands for peopl to use as fish and not for only military
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