Posted by Pono Kealoha on January 17, 2009 at 5:10am
Massive "Ku I Ka Pono " march today ! Why wear BLACK SHIRTS?aloha today @ 10am a Massive march thru Waikiki to Kapi'olani park...To Protest the Illegal Hawaiian Government claim to OUR" Kanaka Maoli" Lands held in trust for the benefit of Kanaka Maoli.The Call to wear "Red Shirts " Also has Been CORRUPTED by OHA to where OHA will use this to push thru their akaka bill.......SO PLEASE BE THERE in Waikiki @ 9:30am on Saratoga / Kalakaua Av.The March will statr @ 10am. with entertainment and speakers @ Kapi'olani park @ 11am also the group Sudden Rush :)BUT IF YOU STAND FOR "INDEPENDENCE and NO AKAKA BILL" PLEASE WEAR BLACK SHIRTS !!! WE SUPPORT THE NO STEALING OF OUR LANDS"AINA" BUT WE DONT SUPPORT "OHA" and the AKAKA BILL!If you dont have a BLCK SHIRT YOU CAN BUY @ THE TENTS " H.I.A." or MANA at Kapi'olanai park ..the Tents will be up @ 8amfor $10.00 Before the March
PIc (if they did not change it yet) is on the right.
Not sure if you have seen it or not. You probably have but just in case....
Can you see this pic?
You are in it.
On the far left.
Of course I laughed because while the two officers are taking down the tent... there you are with your video camera. I LOVE IT LOL
Aloha!... Lana