The Place of Hawaii in American Studies was the so called topic. Hmmm. Keala Kelly had it going on! She knew her stuff!
Very interesting yet can be emotional too!
As I looked onward and listened... I was disappointed when a woman kept on asking about Hawaiians and current issues of status. For myself, it was actually educating someone who didn't understand or only knew little. It was the way she said and insisted that we "kinda like saying we asked for it." What an "anal retentive attitude" she had. I set her straight and any other curious person who was there trying to understand or seek information about Hawaiians.We did not give permission to Westerners to come here and take our 'aina and so forth. In Westerner terms, easy to to relate to: "Involuntary."We need to get this straight...the Fake State is not here for you along with LINDA LINGLE and her bandits or CLAYTON HEE. THEY WILL EXPLOIT YOU AND MAKE MONIES BY TRYING TO SELL SEIZED LANDS!They stole from our Kingdom and robbed us of our self dignity and expect us to keep quiet!!! I don't thinks so! I shared my mana'o and just let them know how we feel about this historical injustice!!!
He had the camera on her, but when I spoke it was about five minutes or so. I was disgusted too! It hit the core of what we all relate to as being "anal retentive." It is reference to an attitude that is from the Western world. To bad people like that just act "lolo." She or the audience did not expect what came from me. I stand no more to allow a person like that to act "lolo" like the never know what happened to Hawaiians.
They may be more concerned about what may happen to them. Well, lets see, they forgot about the Hawaiian people all these years. What a poor excuse!
Das what I figured because he had you on video too but when I wen look for the lady... nevah have. I am looking for it at Youtube since I watch Pono's videos there too. Still looking lol
Originally posted by Namaka'eha We did not give permission to Westerners to come here and take our 'aina and so forth. In Westerner terms, easy to to relate to: "Involuntary."
I like to tell some of the misinformed people here that "The US migrated to me. I didn't migrate to it." And that, If anything "as one of several Native races to 'America', I have more of a claim to the land mass known as N. America then any European does." If only the earth could talk, eh? Anyways, your quote reminded me of that.
Pono did a shoot on my mana'o. I'm not sure if he is finished editing that part or will put it out on MW. I'll be checking out Henry Noa with my cousin Alexander and Bobby this weekend: Reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom. It will interesting to learn more about it.
On the other hand, perhaps Pono will share that clip since he seems to be at many of the same events. lol
Clarification, Keala Kelly was fine. It was a woman in the audience that kept on asking about "colonization." I'm trying to remember what she said the "blow me away." No matter what or how she asked the question, she made everyone else confused. Dean, doctorate candidate I recall from a previous Ku'e sharing interesting facts that support why many reasons American Studies does not truly disclose facts of what they did intentionally, politically and economically to exploit those they who had resources that made them rich!
I got up and share my mana'o about how we were impacted by Westerners! I think Po'no had that part on his video too.
They may be more concerned about what may happen to them. Well, lets see, they forgot about the Hawaiian people all these years. What a poor excuse!
We did not give permission to Westerners to come here and take our 'aina and so forth. In Westerner terms, easy to to relate to: "Involuntary."
I like to tell some of the misinformed people here that "The US migrated to me. I didn't migrate to it." And that, If anything "as one of several Native races to 'America', I have more of a claim to the land mass known as N. America then any European does." If only the earth could talk, eh? Anyways, your quote reminded me of that.
On the other hand, perhaps Pono will share that clip since he seems to be at many of the same events. lol
How would we "ask for it." Did she mean that we asked to be invaded? Or colonized? Or conquered? Or did she mean some of our ali'i who invited them?
I got up and share my mana'o about how we were impacted by Westerners! I think Po'no had that part on his video too.