Posted by Free Hawai`i on April 16, 2009 at 3:30am
Hawai`i taxpayers could end up paying for most of the $40 million in harbor improvements carried out to accommodate Hawai`i Superferry, which removed its ship, the Alakai, from Hawaiian waters on March 28.Read More Here
What is it with Lingle that she is not letting the issue go? The question is what is in it for her? Tired of her drab political spin on it...lets get real and deal with the pressing issues concerning our economy and not the success or failure of one corporation. $40 million funded by the taxpayers...not out of the HSF's pocket. Don't feel sorry for this business entity that has deep pockets and a much bigger agenda than providing a "harmless" interisland service for Hawaii. Follow the money trail and don't be naive....don't buy into the political propaganda of the lege and lingle and corp. media.