Dear Congresspersons,I entreat all Congresspeople to Oppose S.1011/H.R. 2314....There has not been any public hearings on all the islands except on O`ahu since the year 2000 and since then there have been many amendments to the bill.A small elite group of Hawaiian-Americans have input while the rest of the Hawai`i nationals have been shut out of the process. We rebuke the wording of the bill and contents which white-wash the facts.One cannot cull a portion of the Hawaii nationals and relegate them to a tribal indigenous group of the US while ignoring the rest of the Hawaii nationals not of native Hawaiian blood. We want to review the final bill for approval before it goes up for a vote by U.S. Congress.The US expressly recognizes Hawai'i's unique circumstances and is trying to fit it within their system. You must first prove that Hawai'i is legitimately part of the US.Legally and lawfully, the US cannot produce the required treaty of annexation in which to make a claim of ownership nor can they show the consent of the people because of the memorial and Ku`e petitions of 1897 which demonstrates the Hawai`i nationals' disdain for the US dishonorable actions.You are the thief fencing its stolen goods unto itself to make it look legitimate and the wishes of the Hawai`i nationals.What is so difficult to comprehend? Free Hawai`i!Tane IncongPearl City, O`ahu
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    I know so many people who have a hard time understanding the idea of ending the occupation of our Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Nation by the US. It wasn't that long ago in terms of the history of the world, that a group of men from England discontented with their lives...sailed away to a country and landed and began the legacy that since then, has become their "foreign and domestic" policy.

    There were thriving Nations on that continent, but that didn't stop them from encroaching, from spreading their lifestyle complete with religion, disease, and the concept that they somehow had the RIGHT to be there. From the very moment that this recalcitrant group stepped foot on someone else's territory...they have been wrong.

    Although the North American continent is massive...that wasn't enough. Once they decided that...
    "they liked it there"...they mulitplied...displacing the indegenous people of those lands, and destroying lives as they "ordained" their own actions...and disregarded the lives of others.

    Might does not make right, but it DOES allow for expansion. People comment that it is corporations that are at fault. No so. It is the men behind the masks. Those people who consider it their privilege to occupy others' nations, to take what is NOT THEIR, to move into others' homes, control the food system, the land system, and the school system, which is how they are able to keep that plate spinning.

    When their descendants ventured overseas and discovered yet another land (in this, they wanted it. It was just a matter of time before they figure out how to take it. Always covering up their "intent" with lofty ideals (justice for all?) and hiding behind their own self righteousness...they have been able to do a major "snow job" on much of the population to this day. It is no surprise...since they control the educational system...they control the history, which has been a series of lies to cover up their REAL intent.

    So...if you know our true history as well as THEIRS...spread the word. Challenge the thinking. Ask questions...and question everything. There is a wrong and a right...and figure out which side you are on.

  • right on tane.....donna
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