Posted by Free Hawai`i on November 24, 2008 at 8:30pm
Hawaiian Kingdom Ahead Of U.S. Most of our people know how advanced the Hawaiian Kingdom was prior to the overthrow of 1893. In many ways the Hawaiian Kingdom was ahead of the United States.For instance, the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom outlawed Slavery. Without going into a Civil War.The Hawaiian Kingdom did not go into a war with another foreign nation, as the Hawaiian Kingdom was able to handle its foreign affairs without going to war with foreign nations.In 1893 the Hawaiian Kingdom was at Peace, unlike United States going to wars with the indigenous people of the North American continent and other indigenous people all over the world.It's time that Hawaiians work together and say ALOHA OE, USA...PomaikaiokalaniNanakuli, O`ahuKingdom Of Hawai`i
The King of the Hawaiian Kingdom shared his lands with his people without a revolt by his people. This sharing of the lands to the people of the Kingdom was followed thru by many of the decendants of the King of Hawaii. Kamehameha Schools, Queen's Hospito, Liliuokalani Trust, Lunalilo Home and most important, "The Crown Lands" of the Kingdom. I know of no other nation where its leader did the same to their people.