Hanalei Corals Dead and Polluted Bay

Hanalei Corals Dead and Polluted Bay

Hi Guys,
There is some very disturbing things happening right now in Hanalei Bay that I think everyone would be concerned about. I have studied the sea for 45 years worldwide and this is one of the worst shallow water problems I have ever seen and it seems to be just ignored.
Thousands of yards of river sediment washed out into the bay during the last rains. This caused a sand bar that you can walk on that is twice as far out as the Hanalei Pier!! The sand bar even filled in the boat channel. Some may say this happens from time to time. I think that is just BS. I cannot find one person who can verify that a sand bar has developed this far out in the bay in the past nor can I find any photos and I have done some good research.
The sand bar has caused much of the muddy river water to flow over the reef at Hanalei making surfers sick.
Where did all this material come from? Over the past year an engineering company from Oahu has been studying the upper Hanalei River. I went to a meeting with them about two months ago. They said that a burm built by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in the upper river years ago is falling apart and a massive amount of sediment is clogging the river. This study cost a lot of money and is available for public review.
At the meeting I talked about the dying corals in the bay and how the constant flow of mud out of the bay is not normal. Ten years ago the water in the bay was crystal clear just three days after a big rain. The water today is still murky brown 10 days after the rain and it rarely EVER gets clear. I have done over 300 scuba dives at Hanalei over the past few years and I keep a log on the visibility. It gets worse every month. This is just not a normal cycle.
At the meeting the US Fish and Wildlife agent said to me on video that he thinks some of the mud on the reef killing the corals is coming from the decaying burm that now has an 85 foot gap in it! I was blown away by the comment because he just admitted to violating several federal laws!
The endangered species act has wording that makes it a crime to alter in any way the feeding, breeding, and movements of any endangered species. This is called a "Take" and this law applies to all private and government land owners. This decaying burm along with other private diggings in the river wetland are a clear violation of the ESA laws along with EPA and water quality laws. MANY protected and endangered species are directly effected by altering the flow of the river and polluting the bay with toxins and sediment. I can prove this with lots of HD video. I also have several Supreme Court cases where the wording in the ESA laws was interpreted and can easily be applied to the alterations of the Hanalei River.
I did a dive yesterday in the shallow water at Waipa as much of the river mud has settled out on that side of the bay. I was blown away with what I found! Almost 100% of the live corals are bleached and covered in mud in the shallow water. This process is normal, but only if the mud is washed off the corals within a few days by the surf and currents. The mud is so thick on these corals and more mud is flowing onto them daily, that there is basically no chance for them to survive. I hate to say but in 60 days when I video these corals again, almost if not all will be dead.
This problem is a huge legal issue. There are MANY past cases in Hawaii and Florida where private land owners have had excessive mud flow onto a coral reef killing the corals and those land owners were taken to court and suffered large fines. Now we have the government along with some private land owners altering the flow of the Hanalei River, polluting the bay and killing the corals. No small wonder why nothing ever gets done concerning the Hanalei River when the government agency that we pay to protect the ecosystem is a part of its destruction!
Even a river or bay restoration project has to follow the ESA laws and must have constant monitoring of the reefs in the bay. This is standard procedure within a Habitat Conservation Plan. As of now there is almost no monitoring of the reefs in Hanalei Bay except my weekly dives I do for free.
I just wonder how long the people of Hanalei are going to put up with this. A dead reef WILL cause PEOPLE WHO GO INTO THE BAY AND RIVER TO GET SICK. You cannot kill a 50 year old coral without doing something that will lead to human health problems.
These attached pics are out of my videos from the last few days showing bleached and damaged corals and the massive sand bar by the pier. All of my pics and movies come with GPS, time and date and I know they will be used one day in court to prove what is happening to our bay and near shore ecosystem, so I make sure I can prove everything. I can also take anyone out to these areas and show them in person what is happening. I have HD video since 2006 in Hanalei Bay showing the decline of the shallow water corals and the build up of river sediment on the reefs we surf over.
Once again no one as of now has paid me a dime to do my dives, studies, videos and reporting. I do this because Hanalei is my home and I hate it when my home gets covered in mud and toxins! I know damn well that my reporting ruffles a few feathers but better ruffed now than flat out dead in the future! Hanalei Bay is going down hill fast and we need to act now and work together if we intend to have it a healthy place for our children to play in down the road.
Land owners, government officials, surfers and private citizens all have one thing in common. Children, and we all need to have a healthy ocean for them to grow up in and we are doing a very bad job of keeping our bay clean right now.
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who may have a concern about the health of Hanalei Bay.
Terry Lilley
Hanalei HI
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  • While I was at a Festival in Hanalei there was a chemtrail in the sky when we arrived. It rained a little and all of my white containers of items had a black dust in the rain. I got sick for a week after that. I agree the water should be tested but since they are constantly spraying in the area, in an area which are working their way towards sustainability, I think every lo`i should be tested. I think it has a lot to do with the run off being one of the main reason for the destruction of the coral reefs. Chemtrails are much different from contrails.  I grew up in Kane`ohe near the Marine base. I have grown accustomed to hearing jets, none ever sprayed anything while flying unless it was for a show such as the blue angels. Thanks for the links. Either way, it is poisoning us and the proof is in the people who have to live through it. Mahalo.
  • Aloha 'oukou e Hawai'i kena.

                                                            A U.S. Attorney by the name of  Joe Marman is planning to bring a case against chemtrails in Shasta County over in the U.S. and ultimately perhaps against the U.S. Government, he is recommending the same in Kaua'i. Please see:




    There are some top-range videos of Kaua'i chemtrails available here:




    Maybe one mana'o would be to collect a water sample from Hanalei bay an hour or so after these alleged sprayings and send it for toxicology analysis to a specialist water quality assessment agency.

    (Advantage: It would be less expensive than hiring an Attorney.....L.O.L.).

  • Aloha kaua e Momi.

                                          Given the limited research institutes on Kaua'i it is unlikely such testing has occurred.

    To date it has concentrated more on sedimentation deposition given heavy inland rainfall and land practices around Hanalei river & bay.

    The USGS conducted some intensive surveys in 2006/7 and the Reports make very interesting reading if you just click on them. They are accessible here:




    A guy in Arkansas over in the U.S. claims a level of 68.8% barium was found in a chemtrail residue he sent for scientific analysis, there is a video on the internet about same along with others on the subject. A good helpful website to visit is:




    As they provide both sides of the argument with links to chemtrail websites for further investigation. -Aloha.

  • Aloha,


     Could it be chemtrails contaminating (spraying) above land, then through precipitation, falling to the `aina and running off to the sea? Here is a video date Dec.  2010




    I am alarmed. Has anyone tested the wai in the lo`i for Barium and Aluminum?  It might be a good starting point. Unfortunately, council members and anyone in the system will brush it all off as a conspiracy theory however the video shows it actually occurring and it looks like some deliberate loops going on there. 

  • Aloha Kakou.

                              Terry is a Hanalei based marine biologist, you can find information about his credentials by scrolling down this web-site:





  • Could we see the credentials of Terry Lilley,  please ??


  • Can't see the pictures,


    However, this is my take on this problem of the 'dead bay'.  At UH Manoa there are two people that I know really well and have spent 30 plus years listening to their scientific research on coral.  I also listened to the fishermen as you know already.  Two voices are what is needed to say and here.  The along side the scientist and the fishermen that are makaainana.


    Dr Brock (Mr and Mrs) have done intensive research and are highly respected among the sicence community.  The fishermen, however, also too should be given an ear to what they too observe.  The sandy bottom or dead bay is important to a makaainana fisherman because he knows that the akule will spawn there.  It takes generations, years, months and days  to understand this processes of natural systems.  A sicentist on the other hand takes samples at a given time.   So one needs two ears and two sets of understanding to understand the 'dead coral'.


    I did a battle with the Core of Engineers over Dredging Kahana Bay in the 70s, and a retired military 'old guy' and new comer to the islands said the same thing, "the bay is dead'."  What the Core of Engineers was proposing to the communities of Koolauloa was to "dredge a worthless bay cause everything was dead". Not fun, to counter the Core, Firefighters, Fishermen, and the Kahala family from Kahana.  The akule which sustained the whole of Koolauloa comes into Kahana Bay to spawn on the sand for many generations or thousands of years.  Dredging would have damaged this process.


    My concern was that if they did dredge the bay and should we have a tidalwave it would roll all the way into the valley and wipe out the fresh water wells at the back of the bay among other things.  The rep. from core of engineer urged me on to speak against the Veteran a retired guy, it was very nasty too!  To have to counter non thinking and stupid people is not fun. 


    The scientist rolls in without the consent of the makaainana and speaks to their myths.  Which is why Mike Lee's talk on the 'limu' across Princess Kahanu in Nanakuli was important to document.  We must prevail our understanding of the ocean, Long Ago, and what developers want which is profits and an easy ride into Hawaii.  At the expense of our future generations too!

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