Posted by Free Hawai`i on February 12, 2009 at 5:00am
A Quick True Or False Quiz Regarding The Akaka Bill1. The Akaka bill contains language that guarantees Hawaiians a land base.2. The Akaka bill ensures that the Hawaiian Homes program will not be terminated.3. Hawaiians will vote on whether or not to accept federal recognition. The choice is theirs to make.4. The commerce clause and treaty clauses of the U.S. constitution do not prohibit federally recognized indigenous people achieving independent nationhood.5. Federal law provides for the protection of indigenous peoples entitlements and they cannot be taken from them without their consent.6. The United states has never terminated a government to government relationship with federally recognized people without their consent.7. Blood quantum restrictions will not result in the exclusion of future generations of Hawaiians from Hawaiian citizenship.8. Indigenous peoples lives have improved more under federal policy than the lives of people in independent nations in the same time frame.9. Federal recognition will provide that every Hawaiian will receive land and housing for life.10. The Akaka bill would protect Kamehameha Schools.EACH STATEMENT ABOVE IS FALSEVisit For More Info
Now, if the AKAKA BILL was rewritten to include all of these, then the page just turned a chapter to move forward. How difficult is this to put it in. It is easy for AKAKA to say actually say this is what it should read, not what we think it should be! WE were not asked what we wanted. AKAKA BILL dictated what is should be..A'ole to the bill he wrote! NO WAY!!
Even how they call it "the Akaka Bill" to try to imply that it is a Hawaiian bill. Always trying to trick da oiwi and trying to keep da oiwi down. Seriously... if the Feds allowed the people of New Orleans to PERISH and go w/o water and food then chances are they WILL do it to oiwi too so no.. NO THANK YOU!
Aloha!~~~ Lana