Hawaiian/Local mentality

Given the situation between Nanette and I on Friday/Saturday and when I wrote a 7 page letter mentioning why we have our differences due to our upbringing (Haole vs. Hawaiian style), plus the fact that my friend just told me about her "negative" attitude to which I explained the "island mentality" to her as being more realistic, and the fact that I wrote about the "local style" before in an old journal entry of mine (not here, elsewhere), I figured I'd write about it yet again since I find it interesting.In my previous entry I just mentioned, I bring up my own version of "local style" based on an article in a business magazine in Hawaii and how to handle the social trappings of Hawaii's local culture and society. With a cousin of mine who was born & raised on the mainland, I recently brought up some aspects of our culture which is different than what she was accustomed to.Today however what was brought up with my friend was her negative attitude. I had this discussion with someone else and how we've discovered some locals to be very pessimistic. What I explained to my friend was a lot has to do with the people's "practicality" and how they are more realistic, more practical and have these expectations. Anything else beyond that can be misconstrued as bragging or exaggerating.While the mentality on the mainland encourages you to try things even if you fail, the local style isn't as encouraging. You don't have people "dreaming" so much, aiming for high goals simply because they're more practical. However, sometimes they can be more extreme and end up being pessimistic. This is when people apply the "crab mentality" because now rather than encouraging, you end up discouraging in the wake of your negativity.I've learned how to adapt and accept things and realize how things happen or develop for a reason. In Hawaii, it sometimes can be more practical to be that way. I'm not referring to being negative, but in many situations, it works far more better when you are realistic about certain situations. I have no idea if a lot has to do with limited resources, hence the "island mentality" but it certainly is something worth looking into.I've heard someone tell me recently what their perception was, and how people from Hawaii seem "quiet". That was his exact word. What he was referring to was their mannerisms, and how low key they were, not drawing attention to themselves, and in some situations, not being too confrontational or combative. He also made the same observation with me. A lot has to do with history and how Hawaiians were back during the caste system, but in reality I don't see it as being too negative, since I've used the term "practical" to describe the mentality which is true.I'm sure I'll think of more later, but I want to know what you guys think.
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  • Hello! I'm back again! (Frank Delima)...anyway enough nonsense.

    One could look negatively at Queen Liliuokalani's action or inaction as it were but she was thinking practical. If of a different culture, one may look at her as weak, passive, and "Why if it were us, we would have fought to the death!" Ok, that's good and fine. What I see in Queen Liliuokalani is not passiveness but practicality. She was doing what she needed to do so we could, 100+ years later say "There was no overthrow!", "There was no annexation!", and we could lay down the proof too. But she knew she wouldn't see it in her day. What strength it must have taken to hold back like that! All the while funny cartoons are being drawn up of her making fun of her.

    Now has come the time when the practical thing to do, and this is to me, is to look the person in the eye because now we know the truth. Now we know that we are the richest nation in the world. Now we know what King Kamehameha III put in place for us with the Constitution and the Mahele which cannot lawfully be taken away from us, which never was taken away from us. It was here all the time.

    If there is any negative thinking it comes from not knowing the truth. And even when the truth is discovered (as I've discovered) it takes awhile to get used to another way of thinking. We must reclaim our mind because everything else we own is still here in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina waiting, as Mahealani Venture-Oliver says "to be vested up."

    A point I'd like to bring up, and I'm sorry and apologize in advance for any toes I may step on, is the recent document on homelessness in Hawaii. That's all we're portrayed as and I'm tired of it. What about how rich we are because we own all the land and have the only lawful deed to the country. What about a movie on King Kamehameha III and how intelligent and far thinking he was by setting up the constitution and Mahale? Positive things like that that not only educate the world but us as well.

    As for Molokai and Laau point. I don't live there and I can imagine that there must be some turmoil over the pull out of the ranch. Our Gods, Our Great White Father's have pulled out. As if we cannot survive without them. I know that Molokai will pull through this. Actually, you'll be the first one's to do something like this and we'll have to follow in your footsteps so I'm always praying to Ke Akua for you folks. It's so awesome to know that at one time Molokai was a place that fed not only their people but other islands as far away as Tahiti too! Awesome!!!

  • Aloha, this is a good subject because it relates a lot to the bigger picture at hand...that of our lawful standing in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

    To use Lana's example, Myron Arakawa, to me was just being negative, not practical. But that is my view on it today. Back then it may have been a practical answer. Times do change. Ways of thinking are changing and will continue to change as we get a better glimpse of the truth of all things.

    Today a professor would more than likely encourage Lana and assist her to find avenues so to attend University of Washington.

    This is how I view "practicality" today and how it applies to Kanaka Maoli. Please keep in mind these are just my thoughts and I in now way claim to have the answer or to be right.

    When speaking with many Kanaka Maoli about Hawaiian Homes, they are content, they are settled, they have their home. It would not be practical for them to go out and make waves since they are living a comfortable life already. Mind that I said "many Kanaka Maoli" not all.

    Many Kanaka Maoli, when they discover that they are sitting on a piece of property that may really belong to another Kanaka Maoli 'Ohana they seek ways to remedy the situation. Some ways are to research their own Kuleana and vest up their interest there and then to contact the lawful owners of the property their on and make some sort of arrangement. That is practical to them.

    An OHA representative who is Kanaka Maoli may be sitting comfortably in their position, making good money and that may seem practical to them.

    Or someone could be like me, we'll just say me, who lived on Guam for most of my years and absolutely loved it there, but could not be part of their land give away program because I wasn't Chamorro. I thought I would move back to Hawaii because that's where my roots are and I'd apply for Hawaiian Homes. That was practical for me...back in 2001. After I was shown the light it now became practical for me to not apply for Hawaiian Homes but to take part in koe nae na kuleana o na Kanaka.

    I think we went through 100+ years of attempted brainwashing. I say attempted because they never brainwashed us! We're still here! They failed!

    I have to go...homeschooled children are calling!
  • Which is why i said "practicality". To Myron, he saw no other alternative, hence him rudely saying that you were too poor to go to college in WA.
  • I think it's because some people don't want others to get ahead. I experienced that at Kamehameha Schools when Myron Arakawa told me to my face that I was too poor to go to college at the University of Washington. I think that people are negative only because they don't want others to exceed them so yeah... I think they selfish and think about themselves in that they want to be better than other people.

    This is similar to on North America but I think that some local people think that they are immune but humans are humans... irrelevant of location. You can kinda tell by the attitudes toward people on North America... as though local people are better which is similar to how some people on North America think they are better. Humans are some of the most VICIOUS animals if not the most vicious....
  • Do you think that this "negativity" comes from the focusing on themselves only? I mean, like how? It seems like to me that the mentality of locals work ok in that environment whereas on the mainland it is different b/c the lifestyle is different.
  • That may be true but in my experience the Hawaiians whom I know WILL push back if pushed LOL I think they are smart because they conserve their energy in that way.

    On the other hand there are some local people who are intolerant of others. They want others to do what they want them to do. Sound familiar? :P

    The way that I see it though... is it is what it is and people are people. I know some Haole people who can be considered "quiet" and some Hawaiians who can be considered "quiet" but when pushed they will push back really hard and push da person over da cliff so to speak.

    In Hawai'i though... some people can be SO negative. So focused on themselves without realizing there are others out there who may think, act, and/or do things differently. Still... if I had to choose I prefer the Hawaiian World over the Haole World because while we can have our differences it is MUCH worse in the Haole World where they can be REALLY rude and pushy LOL
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