*NOHO HEWA: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawaii**Premiering at the Hawaii International Film FestivalMonday, October 13, 6:15 PM, Dole Cannery, Honolulu *This film connects the military occupation of Hawai'i to the fraudulenceof statehood, the Akaka Bill, homelessness, desecration and more.Featured interviews: Haunani-Kay Trask, Kaleikoa Ka'eo, Noenoe Silva,Keanu Sai, J. Kehaulani Kauanui and others.It's important for people to come to this screening because they canvote for the film--- and any attention this film gets shines a light onthe issues represented in the film--- and will help bring those issuesto a larger audience outside of Hawaii."Noho Hewa" can and should be used to further our collective causeshere. It's not often that a feature length film represents actualHawaiian matters or has the opportunity to be seen by a worldwideaudience. Any chance we have to get our issues known beyond the local,corporate and haole owned media should be siezed.Your support for this film will be appreciated and I hope to seeeveryone there.Mahalo nui,Keala
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