DID YOU KNOW?NEW `IOLANI PALACE RULES PUT IN PLACEUS Now Prohibits "Illegal Occupations"The Hawai`i state Board of Land and Natural Resources quietly approved new rules last month that specifically prohibit "unauthorized occupation" of `Iolani Palace and other buildings on the palace grounds.The actions of a group that called itself the Hawaiian Kingdom Government was "a wake-up call for the department that it was time to move forward with specific rules to protect and preserve the ... grounds for future preservation," said Laura Thielen, Land Board chairwoman.
The unauthorized occupants continue to act arrogant towards the occupants who have authority since title was never accepted nor transferred. A huge WTF. (Sorry for the cussing but really... WTF???)
I haven't stepped into 'Iolani palace since I was in the 5th grade passing by in traffic only with a sadness in my heart each time. Are they threatening to lock the gates or are they already doing this?