DID YOU KNOW? NEW `IOLANI PALACE RULES PUT IN PLACEUS Now Prohibits "Illegal Occupations"The Hawai`i state Board of Land and Natural Resources quietly approved new rules last month that specifically prohibit "unauthorized occupation" of `Iolani Palace and other buildings on the palace grounds.The actions of a group that called itself the Hawaiian Kingdom Government was "a wake-up call for the department that it was time to move forward with specific rules to protect and preserve the ... grounds for future preservation," said Laura Thielen, Land Board chairwoman.
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  • The unauthorized occupants continue to act arrogant towards the occupants who have authority since title was never accepted nor transferred. A huge WTF. (Sorry for the cussing but really... WTF???)
  • I haven't stepped into 'Iolani palace since I was in the 5th grade passing by in traffic only with a sadness in my heart each time. Are they threatening to lock the gates or are they already doing this?
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