UH FORM1-7-09 158

UH FORM1-7-09 158
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  • Pono,
    The haole lady in the background here is very dangerous. I know her from way back. I'll explain later. She was sitting next to Jim Anthony, Lilikala's ex husband, who is another dangerous person. Grant seekers extraordinaire. Keep an eye on them. I came up beside them and said..."Now this is a very dangerous union." He gave me a stink eye, and then I left. He used to like me and kept asking me out. But, I knew from Lilikala that he was bad news. He says he's fijian, but is east indian. My exhusband is part fijian, and spoke to him in that language, and he couldn't answer. He's a fraud. One of his daughters married Vinny Dodge, Dr. Fred Dodge's son, and they had...Daniel Anthony...the one I brought into the Waimanalo even to pound poi. My business partner said..."to stay away from Daniel" another long story.
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