
My eldest niece who is 16 already. Wow I feel old hahaLike her sisters (my nieces) she attends a school for brainy kids. I LOVE it because she is HAWAIIAN.Unfortunately some people in Hawai'i wanna keep Hawaiians down because they know that land is not a depreciable asset and is an appreciable one so instead of caring about Hawaiians and wanting them to do better they just want their land at all costs.In fact many times they look at the land and not at the people. That's why I like watching Terry Keko'olani. She still going strong. I love it! Then again I love it when Hawaiians are vocal and/or visible because once one stays silent we ALL stay silent and invisible.Some people even want to keep the Hawaiian kids down. They dehumanize them. They try to undermine their full potential. Some try to make them feel as though they are dumb. It does not surprise me because they want the land.One example is how some people are using "one-drop Hawaiian." It's meant to try to DEHUMANIZE Hawaiian children. Try to make them feel less Hawaiian and less of a person. Less of a HUMAN BEING. Why? Because they want the land which is cold and heartless to do to Hawaiian children but that's just me. I don't know how some people can do that. I don't know how some people can say MEAN THINGS to Hawaiians period and that is MEAN. Some try to traumatize Hawaiian children and some people let them.Another example is someone who used to be a counselor at my alma mater, the Kamehameha Schools. It really grates my nerves that he told me that I couldn't attend the University of Washington because my family was too poor. How you like dat one?!?! Yes I was on full financial aid but there are loans which subsequently found like through KS post-high financial aid but I know that chances are they did it to other Hawaiian children too. Fortunately I nevah listen to him because I graduated from UW. I can only imagine all of those other Hawaiian children who listened to his "advice." WTH? And people wonder why I am annoyed LOLI tell my nieces and nephew a lot. It surprises my parents that I am so blunt with them but like I told them I cannot look into a Hawaiian child's face and lie to them. I don't know how some people could do that to me but I cannot do that so of course I tell them the truth. Fortunately they listen to me saving them nearly 40 years of learning the truth. All of them have thanked me which is cool. It shows me that they have manners LOL....
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