Watch that I won at a hula competition

I don't like hula competitions because they rate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. The implication is "who is the best Hawaiian" "who is the 2nd best Hawaiian" and "who is the 3rd best Hawaiian" so of course I don't take part because I think it conditions Hawaiians to hurt other Hawaiians. In this day and age to me it's unnecessary to condition Hawaiians to somehow "outdo" other Hawaiians because there are only about 401,062 Hawaiians left but then who am I to say LOL I just don't like it because I think it brings out the best and the worse in people and I don't like it.I also think it ruins some of the integrity of hula. One of the people who I think preserves the integrity of hula is my cousin Kihei DeSilva's wife, kumu hula extraordinaire Mapuana DeSilva. To me she is an epitome of preserving hula and preserving the integrity of hula which is rare these days.I know this is an unpopular opinion but interestingly I received two signs from my kupuna that it was okay to think this way. At one of the competitions where I was a spectator I won this Mickey Mouse watch and a handmade green lei. It spooked me out LOL And I was the only one who won two door prizes. Spooky but I know it was a sign and a spooky one LOLInterestingly I like Mickey Mouse because it reminds me to stay like a child in some ways. Optimistic, eager to learn, etc so it freaked me out when I won it.Anyway I wear this watch. It's very special to me.
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