One of my favorite pics

One cannot find this pic anywhere else online. Gee I wonder why.Fortunately I saved it. I will update it with the proper credit since credit is due but I saved it because I LOVE this picture.One can safely deduce that I am against the Akaka Bill and against Kau Inoa "Native Hawaiian Registration" program which is really "put your name on the list so that they can speak for you and give away your title without your consent" yet they lie about it which really annoys me. Yes it is about land and title (that is OURS)... to them which annoys me even more. That is, they see the land before they see the people. That's if they see us at all. They are focused only on the land and title which annoys me so much.They are just two more tools to try to separate us from our land. It annoys me when I see what they try to do to us.That's partly why I love this photo so much because she is not invisible even though some people want her to be. It also epitomizes how I feel about Hawaiians who speak up. I like it when other Hawaiians speak up because once we stop speaking up ALL of us end up being invisible including but not limited to our kupuna. Of course ultimately silent Hawaiians of today make silent mo'opuna of tomorrow. Of course I state the obvious.Anyway to me the Akaka Bill and the Kau Inoa "Native Hawaiian Registration" program are disrespectful to our kupuna -- the ones who raised and FED us --and I don't agree with slapping them in their face which is exactly what both do. I was not raised that way.
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