My maternal great great grandmother

My maternal great great grandmother, Rachel Lokinihama (Rockingham) Kaleionehu Kekuanui (oiwi) Among. She married Goo Ah Mong.She had 12 children.(She is holding one of her daughters, Mabel Pale Among, who married Joseph "Pini" Duck Sun Kapiinaokalani Wong Leong. Their children are Faye, Michelle, Patricia, Joseph Jr, and Norine.)She is the daughter of Benny Keakuanui and Pale Kauwe of Kealia, South Kona, Hawai'i so I have ties with Kauwe. My other roots come from Maui i.e. the Hawaiian Superman. Maybe das why my name is LANA LOL I was born on O'ahu... but I'm not O'ahu maka ewa ewa.Some of my branches are:Bessie Among and John Moniz --> Dorothy Moniz who married Charles DeSilva --> My mommyI know I have alot of relatives via these branches. I am related to the Reis-Moniz and some Hauanio (like Ali'i, Ikaika, and Anuenue who are my cousins) just to name a few.
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