

February 23


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Kahekili Kaopuiki

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Lu'ulu'u me ka ua po'ai hale, o Ahuimanu

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

'o Kahalu'u, Oahu

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  • MyHotComments.com
  • Great day today and to meet family this past weekend. The group did a good job on the field but I am so glad I was sitting on the side watching. Thanks. Kaaiai
  • Hau'oli au e hui me 'oe a me 'Olohe Kuku'i Likeke i keia la!

    Such a small world, but so great when you find family in unexpected places. Malama pono!
  • My daughter, Pilialoha work at the P.E. department (locker room) for Kamehameha
    schools and then one day she was talking to this girl and she mentioned that she had family that came from Molokai. So my daughter asked her who, she said my great grandpa, Moses Kaopuiki....and the two started to walaau and exchange information. I watched the song contest on the web and was really proud of Kaaiohelo. Anyway take care and love to all
  • Aloha Cuz,
    One question...who is Kalani Ka'ahanui?
    How are you and the family? Me I am doing okay, just trying to keep in touch with everyone. You take care and god bless.
    cuz Helena
  • Aloha Aunty, mahalo for stopping by and for checking out the travel site, my mom also said the prices for the outrigger/ohana hotels were good too, since she works there. I hope it can be useful to everyone. How are things with you guys? Hope all is going well, I miss you guys, have a good St Patty's day, I love you guys
  • hey cuz how you doing? Ha'aheo turned me on to this site. Yep..I moved in January to give support to my grandson who is attending UTI. I miss home and the ohana and of course the FOOD!!! Yes we need to keep in touch, oh yeah, jimmy is doing good now, he is taking care of his health, anyway cuz you take care. love Helena
  • Good connections, huh, Anake? It's always nice to have more hoa aloha! I met Anake Helena just before Kalani Boy put us in touch. So I started grilling her on all things Kaopuiki! I learned plenty from Anaka Helena, and I made another connection! This internet stuff is pretty awesome! I am so happy to hear from you, Anake. I think of you much more often than I write or email. Ka'ai'ai and I are great email buddies. Kekumu, too! Hau'oli au a me ha'aheo au to have such good ohana! Since I got my ala ma'i...I have lots more new questions. I know you're busy with all kinds of projects, Anake. Mahalo ia 'oe for always making time for me. Aloha wau ia 'olua. (Aloha, Anakala!) ~Ha'aheo
  • ALooooHA!!!!!
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