

February 15


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?


No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?


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  • Congratulations Kanoe. BLESS.
  • rock3.gif
  • Hey lady. Heard from your brada he's gonna be an uncle. Congrats! Malama pono.
  • I love you and miss you too!
  • hi aunty! thank you for being my friend and for my birthday present. mom just cleaned out my closet because had plenty stuff that was too small for me already. all the size 10 pants and shorts and skirsts too small. how is kia'i? i miss you guys. love u bye
  • hehehe... vel wanted to take a picture of my tattoo. looks like u lost weight, arent u hapai? vel been wanting for go shopping for ur baby already but she said u guys dont know if u having a boy or girl. i told her both. haha... u going have twins & you can name one braxton & the ohter kanoe jr!
  • Hey Naauao,

    Call me.
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