

March 29


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  • Aloha Malia,

    We'll be going to this celebration. A hui hou...Kaimo
  • Aloha kaua e Kaimo-
    I want to invite you and your ʻohana to join me at Nanea ma Kahakai this Saturday and Sunday at Waikiki Beach in celebration of 20 years of ka Papahana Kaiapuni. The events start at 5pm each night. We will begin w/ Hawaiian music and games ( we have some great prizes for all who can play our 'olelo Hawai'i games). Both nights we will be screening E ola ka 'olelo Hawai'i a film done by 'Aha Punana Leo and Na Maka o ka 'Aina. It will be shown in Hawaiian with English subtitles. Saturday night it will be followed by another awesome film called "The Land Has Eyes", a film about the people of Rotuma. Sunday night we will be screening "Whale Rider", a film from Aotearoa.

    Join us.... it'll be fun. Bring your 'ohana and friends. E 'olelo Hawai'i kakou.

    For more info, visit us at eolamau.org

    E ola mau ka 'olelo Hawai'i,
  • The bottom of the picture is Kalia, the site is the Hilton Hotel property. This section (the Lagoon to the Waikikian) is the property that was awarded to my father's great grandfather. This is one of the properties where all my ancestors lived. The other location is the Shereton Hotel. This is why the Hotel and Waikiki area is a good place for us to hang out.

    All the kids had fun.
  • Good morning Kaimo, neat huh!!! well, mahalo for taking Makana, he had lots of fun... I'll talk to you later and welcome to the world of Maoli, Have a great day. Much love, light and blessings to you... Lynette
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