How is your beautiful place today? Is it cold? Hope you are keeping warm. I llike your video presentation here. I'm kinda new to this web site stuff.
I'm a friend of Pono Kealoha ,he was the one who shot the video of me the day after christmas at Iolani Palace.
He is a good man. I'm just amazed of his artwork attached to all his friends site.
It's 9pm here in Makaha Hawaii and there are huge waves on the north shore and here in Makaha. the wind supposed to be strong per the civil defense.
Anyway , I support your goals and we all are looking for equal rights and justice to achieve World peace .
How is your beautiful place today? Is it cold? Hope you are keeping warm. I llike your video presentation here. I'm kinda new to this web site stuff.
I'm a friend of Pono Kealoha ,he was the one who shot the video of me the day after christmas at Iolani Palace.
He is a good man. I'm just amazed of his artwork attached to all his friends site.
It's 9pm here in Makaha Hawaii and there are huge waves on the north shore and here in Makaha. the wind supposed to be strong per the civil defense.
Anyway , I support your goals and we all are looking for equal rights and justice to achieve World peace .
Aloha no
Bobby Ebanez
ps. if u drink ride a whale !