



Wai'ehu, Hawai'i


February 22

'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Naomi Katherine Kahakuhaupiokamakani Lake-Farm "Sissy"

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Originally from Kahala, Hawai'i

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

Wai'ehu, Maui, Hawai'i

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  • Ps so sorry I spelled Kekaulaiwi's name wrong!
  • That is awesome! I hope that Kekaulaiki's delivery was much easier than Puameiti's! Did Dr Kim deliver? Yours is definitely one I will not forget!!!! We now have 5 children! We had four when we lived in Maui. We adopted an amazing little girl in 2009! Carley Rose (Rose was my moms middle name...I left Maui because she was sick, and she passed away in 2006) unfortunately malpractice insurance after being in Florida only 10 mos was outrageous....there was a very high fee for insurance tail coverage required to leave FL so we had to go to a hospital that would pay it for us, and agree to stay for a certain amount of time. I am so excited though....I am hoping to get a job with Maui Community Clinic! Dr Podach is retiring, so I hope to work with Dr Altura there. (kaiser wasn't hiring, but I am even more excited and think mcc will be a great place to work!) do you ever get on Facebook? Also I have 2 grandchildren now!!!! It was very exciting because I was able to deliver both of them! Scary but wonderful! My daughters son is Sawyer...she is very tiny and he was 9 lb 3 oz! So after 30 hrs of labor we had to do a c section. She was so tough though! My daughter in law scared me to death...she came in to the office to monitor the baby one day 3 weeks before she was due (I just had a worry not sure why....in retrospect it was angels!) the moment she was placed on the monitor, the heart rate was dropping very low. We rushed her to the hospital and had to do an emergent cesarean, and he nearly died. His apgar scores were 1 and 8 at one and five minutes, he wasn't breathing initially and barely had a heartbeat! He had somehow tied his umbilical cord in a knot and it had tightened suddenly. After he was resuscitated, he did well. But he sure scared me! I have lots of photos on Facebook if you ever get a chance to get on....love and miss you! Congratulations!
  • HI NAOMI!  How are you?  I hope that Puameiti is doing great!  (Hope you remember me...:)) I was so excited to find you on here and just wanted to say hi.  Our family is doing great.  We are living in Wyoming, but hoping to move back to Maui soon.  Long story....but we hope to come back "home" very soon!  Love to you and your family!

    Rodni Cruz 

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