

February 23


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  • Hi Cousin!!!
    I have this great​ produ​ct that might​ inter​est you !!
    Do you know anyon​e who drink​s monst​er or red bull?​ I found​ out that it has 52g of sugar​ (​52pac​kets)​ in each can, And 200 calor​ies. I just started drinking it at my night job for more energy and it worked great, and without the crash.

    Our energ​y drink​ has only 24 calor​ies and 2g of sugar​ in it.

    My produ​ct that I belie​ve in and take is much bette​r than the other​s out there​.​ It also helps​ diabe​tes,​ high blood​ press​ure,​ chole​stero​l,​ and many more other​ thing​s.​

    If anyon​e out there​ might​ want more info or you may know someo​ne just e-​mail me or check​ out the site yours​elf.​ I promi​se you won'​t be disap​point​ed.​
    I want every​one to atlea​st check​ out the site.​


    http://rapozauyezu. bhipglobal. com

  • bloomAl.gif


  • Mahalo for your friendship please have an Excellent weekend :)

    ps. if u drink ride a whale !





  • Hi Mona,
    We eating kalua pig w/tomatos and bok choy...Me mom, Rayan, Kiara Josh Jeremiah and Seannyboy here. Randy and his family just left. They went picnic in front at the beach and went swimming
    Love you all, Dad
  • Mahalo nui for offering. I think that our people need to become more educated in what really happened and that they are the key to bringing it back.

    At a meeting last night, I realized that an educational program has to be started at different levels. I'll let you know as soon as I pull it together.

    Ke Akua pu... Dom
  • i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
    my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
    i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing,my darling)
    i fear
    no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
    no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
    and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
    and whatever a sun will always sing is you

    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
    higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

    i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

    e.e. cummings

    I cried when I first read this. It's how I feel about my Jeff and Kekoa...and now, about Kiara and Kana'i. I feel like this about you too Ramona.

    I carry you - in my heart.
  • My darling sister - OMG - I hear Lot surprised you for Mother's Day! I'm so happy for you! And you got to be with your beautiful angel at his house...I am now looking at a picture of you with a bottle Stoli in your hand - R-a-m-o-n-a! Where's mine? Well, I did have a good mother's day - spent it here 1/2 day with mom - and then the other 1/2 at my house with Princess Pupule (Kiara) then Sonya brought over a lovely Kin Wah dinner! Ni Hao Ma? Was ono and we had a nice time except Kiara did not get to have her dessert (Dibbs) because she didn't finish her dinner. OI. I was trying not to look at her sorrowful, pitiful, OMG - tutu - help me EYES. Like she MUST have ice-cream or she'll faint. I did not see Kana'i until last night and he was tired from his trip to Hilo. OMG - guess what? Ayako is hapai!!!!! I'm going to Waimanalo Health Center - and meet her there for her appointment! I'm going to be an aunty - AGAIN! Well - I love and miss you and wish you and Jerycho could come and play with me and Kiara and Kana'i. You're a wonderful sister and I don't know what my life would be without you. MUAH! (Isn't Pono da BOMB - what beautiful stuff he sends us on Mother's Day!)
  • Happy Mother's Day,
    May your LIFE be filled with COLORZ of JOY,

    Moms are :

    Moms are
    rain clouds
    for a parched garden...
    textured color
    for flat bare walls...
    a scenic back road
    for the rushed and weary...
    a curved walkway
    for those seeking
    a gentler way...
    a cactus for the impatient...
    and Moms are a bank
    for those who’ve learned
    there are memories
    worth earning
    and memories
    worth saving....
    © 1996-2008 adam light creations /
    adan lerma



  • Ramona,
    Here's a letter from my friend. They (I don't know who) are spraying pesticides...did you know about this? Call me. I think we can do something to stop it. What if it was in your area? Or what if your area is next? Dammit!
    I love you,
    Rayan (Leina'ala)

    Hi Lei...

    Its more than just spraying in Hanapepe, they are spraying near residential and school zones too! One day I got home (Kekaha) and could smell chemicals in the air. I got in my house and the smell was even stronger! Didn't take to long till my eyes started watering, I started to feel nauseated and my chest started to feel strange. I went to the beach and started to feel better.

    Later that day my daughter came home from school and told me that the whole school had to be evacuated and the kids were brought out into the park because the kids started to get sick from the chemicals. The same thing happened at St. Theresa School too.

    These guys aren't just messing with Genetically Engineered crops acting like Gods, but they are poisoning the community in the process too.

    I need to do something about this...

    Ke Akua pu... Dom
  • Your welcome gurl! And no worries about the postage....that's what I get for procrastinating! I am just glad it made it on time! Love ya, Lisa
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