Captain Cook, HI
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
everybody calls me Hua
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
the Big Island
ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?
south kona
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WOW man how are you doing? Well haven't been on Myspace or Maoliworld for like EVA! Sorry, just the computer was shut down while my mother was in Michigan so just touching base with everyone now! And it is like almost 5 in the morning and haven't been to sleep yet. I was drinking RED~BULLS and up still! Well take care and hit me up when you have time. K den take it easy....
So how are things treating you on the other side of the island? And so how is the cousin? Long time no hear from him. I haven't been on myspace in forever.... Well did you find a job yet? And are you going to move to Oahu still? Well keep in touch and hear more from you later!
HaPpY bOyS dAy
WoW, yOu CaN cOmE oN & aDd PeOpLe & U cAn'T eVeN sEnD mE a CoMmEnT & i WaS tHe OnE tHaT tOlD u AbOuT tHiS pLaCe?!?
It'S aLl GoOd.... HaVe A hApPy EaStEr My FrIeNd~
So what have been going on? Never heard from you in awhile? Is everthing okay? Are you moving still yet? Well things here is all "G" I am trying to cut back with the drinking.... Kinda hard, but spending too much $ with the Heine's!!! So wish me luck! Well hit me up sometime!!! Never got a comment from you Y*E*T!!!
Have a good Tipsy Thursday... Tell cousin wassup!!! AURYTE
Hello there Hua~
Just flying by to say Hello! So how you been? Me, just working reguardless of me being sick for the past month! Today I had to go to court for the Criminal Property Damage.... But, they had to prolong it for another month because never met with the Public Defender. Kinda shabby... But hit me up sometime K!!!