

March 4


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Temple of Lono

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

District of Puna Moku O Keawe

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  • taslima4love_u@yahoo.com

    My Name is Taslima I was impressed when i saw your profile at maoliworld.ning.com and will like you to email me back to my in box so that i can send you my picture for you to know who i am . i believe we can establish a long lasting relationship with you. In addition,i will like you to reply me through my private email box (taslima4love_u@yahoo.com). This is because i don't know the possibilities of remaining in forum for a long time please reply me to my email OK. Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest.
  • Aloha e Uncle Hank,

    I was given your name from David with BigIsland-BigIsland.com. We have been in conversation about Hawaiian culture, being Hawaiian and Hawaiian sovereignty and he recommended I talk with you. Would you be interested in telling me about what it means to be Hawaiian?

    Mahalo nui loa,

  • Aloha Mai, "Hank"

    How is your Son, Michael? Hope All Is Well with you? I haven't seen you, for awhiled. Anake Noelani, family of:Batalona and :Mason
  • Aloha Uncle

    I was down Kawa`a the other day, and I meant to introduce myself, but never got the chance. Did a write up on my site, to go along with the video David did. Here is the link


    2 Scoops Aloha David
  • Moshi moshi~
    I'm here! Talk soon, may have to see you Friday and not Thursday......
    Where are you~!?
  • Aloha 'Anakala Hanalei!

    So nice to hear from you! I'm back home now...I sailed in from Maui about a week ago. I too may be flying up to Kaua'i for Palani's wedding, but I'm just trying to sort out some things with my work schedule.

    Oh Uncle, I would love to sit down and launa! I know my dad would love to too! When do you leave for your honeymoon? I'll go and talk to my dad and see when we can meet, hopefully it will be before you and your wife leave. I'm so excited to hear about your huaka'i to Kaua'i and everything else. Please send my aloha to 'Anake...you are very blessed to have such a beautiful wife.

    Aloha no,
    Celeste Manuia
  • Aloha e Hanalei,

    I agree with your statement on Uncle Ku's wall. I don't want any more telescopes on the mountain and I think it is about time Hawaiians get fair revenues for the use of the ones there now...and the right to practice our religion up there is important to me. The problem is, when I've been to meetings on Mauna kea in the past, I felt like even though the meetings were on the record. I don't feel any of those Hawaiians were actually heard. Their statements were just taken but still the telescopes got built. The problem seems to be that unless the Hawaiians gain our sovereignty, it seems we would never be heard. All the recent Hawaiian introduced bills, "all" didn't pass...None have passed for awhile from what I'm told. It's really sad...We seem to be ignored from all angles.
  • Hank,

    I didn't attend the meeting - as you know.

    "We" had talked about it - and we didn't want to offer any comments, etc., to their process. As you know, they constantly use our words and ideas against us.

    I will probably not be involved in their follow up meeting either - unless I show up only to listen and not to comment.

    Even when BLNR does the "expected" hearing on the "Comprehensive Master Plan" - I don't think I will participate - except to object and to ask for a contested case hearing - as we did on the other one.

    We have to keep on challenging them, and possibly get them tied up in lawsuits (if we can find pro bono attorneys).

    On the other hand, getting them to spend a lot of time on these preliminaries gives us an advantage. The 2030 something date for the termination of the lease is coming quickly.

    As for the "big" telescope - the time for design and construction may give them only 10 years of useful time on the telescope if they could build it on "their schedule."

    Throw in "deconstruction time" as they have to leave the place as they've found it - with our litigation - they've run out of time.

    So, I suspect that u.h. will be working hard to get a lease extension - if they haven't started working on it yet.

    On the other hand, if they level any pu'u - I would expect that the telescope people would/should put up money in reserve to guarantee that "deconstruction" is paid for and they cannot run away and leaving no funds to do it - and to return any pu'u they level back to where they found it/them.

    Lots of stuff to think about - and to agree on a strategy that will place a maximum kind of barrier in front of them.


  • Aloha e Hanalei,

    Welcome to maoliworld. Hope all is well with you. Puna was beautiful this weekend. Maybe we'll run into you and your wife at the open market again...


  • Aloha e 'Anakala Hanalei!

    Pehea 'oe a pehea kou huaka'i i Kaua'i ma? Ua launa 'oe me Ka'imi laua 'o Atta ma? Ua Maika'i no?

    E wala'au ana kaua ma hope o kou ho'i mai!

    Aloha 'Anakala!
    Celeste Manuia
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