March 12
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
O Ku'umomilani ko'u inoa Hawai'i.
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
No Waimanalo no au.
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Sorry it took so long for me to respond. I heard from Kumu Lani that Kuulei got in. I'm so happy.
I'm trying to get Macey to send Kamalu to Kamakau.
We had a blast on the Big Island. Thanks for letting him come.
Keep in touch.
Malama pono,
me ke aloha pau'ole i Iesu, ko kakou Haku ho'ola,
pehea la oukou?
ua nunui na gigs mamua, aka ma ia manawa nei, ano me he helehonu la! like a turtle! slow! A'ale makou i kani i ka ho'okahi mahina.
aka, i keia la iwakaluakumahiku, lo'a ia makou he gig.
aka, ka gig mamua ia mea, ma ka la ekahi o iulai!
aka, mahalo ia Iesu no na mea ana i ha'awai me he nui ia makou!
ke Akua pu me oukou pakahi!
eo waimanalo!
ua noa,
Other then the regular talks that I get from the spirit world everything is much the same. Question, how do I delete all this not needed stuff on my page. Happy cleaning. Guess you hear them too. I did start but haven't even made a dent yet. Can't believe where I got all this junk from yet all why.
See you soon .. Aloha
Just got a request from Pono Kealoha to be part of my friends list. I wonder if I made a mistake although he does have some pretty good graphics. Reason for this writing is to ask about the unkau inoa have you heard about that. Something to do with OHA playing a fast one on the people again, The signatures they accumulated will be added to the Akaka Bill list. I don't know how much truth there is to that but I figure you may know
aole pilikia ua le'ale'a wau ma ka po'aono!
a mahalo no ka worm juice, ka palule-T a me ka papale.
a hui hou
maika'i no wau, o 'oukou??
Ma ka la hea keia mea?
ka hola ehia?
a me mahea la?