



March 26

'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

ʻO Ānuenue koʻu inoa.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No ka ili ʻāina ʻo Punaluʻu, i ke ahupuaʻa ʻo Kāneʻohe, aia i ka moku ʻo Koʻolaupoko mai au.

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • Mahalo e Māmā Li'i! Pēia pū me kāu poʻe keiki. He pupuka wale nō! Kū iā ʻoe, ʻeā?!
  • aloha tita, my old phone stay shut off, i no mo u or u kanez number, i know we waz sapoz 2 meet up on da art stuffs.

    dis my new number

  • Aloha e Anuenue and braddah Daniel,
    Hows makuahood treating you guys? By the looks of pictures you guys doing maika`i. Mahalo na akua no na mea waiwai. The last picture pretty much sums up every loving makuas aloha for their keiki, so precious.
  • Hey!!! so good to hear from you! Now I feel officially welcomed. Mahalo! Yeah I'm slaving away here in Brooklyn. I think about that day out on the sand bar alot and hope to get back there soon. Love you guys!
  • ya, makua we were with aunty leandra, helping her expand the native garden she got there, yeh i know da kine Vinces dad was instramental in makuas community involvment
  • Wow I only got da comment now, my page stay holding um till it get aproved, i don't know how i when trigga dat,me not so computer savy....

    ok i lost u phone number by da way when my other phone got lost....

    malama. i heard mahina on na oiwi olino da odda week, good stuffs...
  • helloha...aloha teedah, pehea mai nei 'oukou? love the pics of the 'ohana. has ko'iahi learned any new words lately? hows waipi'o? it must be lovely, i like come check um out one day since kamuela insist that waipi'o is the piko of the honua holo'oko'a! we'll see. anyway, jus catching up wit you folks. ke aloha, kahi
  • How is everybody? I haven't seen everybody since the wedding. You going to Kainani's party in August?
  • Aloha Anuenue,

    Pehea mai nei? I haven't seen you since Kainani's wedding. I think you only had one keiki then. Nice pupuka pics. Keep in touch. Good to hear from you. Aloha.
  • 2 pepe??!! did i miss one? hope you folks are well!!!
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