I had in interesting conversation today at Ft. DeRussy with a retired Air Force officer. The "seed" I planted was the idea of the military taking the lead of doing Hawaiian language planning on the Ceeded Lands, including training a division of the military in the Hawaiian language. Perhaps if the U.S. military were to take the lead by championing this cause that many of their opponents, that is, those who would take back the "Crown Lands," etc., wouldn't have as strong of an argument against the U.S. military's continued occupation of these Hawaiian lands. Otherwise, and as the situation presently stands from an "international community" POV, the status quo for the military doesn't appear to be a complimentary one for the U.S. Government. Is this idea a "pie in the sky?" What are your thoughts?

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  • Aloha Kakou:

    The more non Hawaiians learn, know of us, our history, culture, language, etc. etc. the better for us. It is impossible to truely know us and to not Aloha us. The more non Hawaiians who Aloha us the better for us. We are a monority with out the critical numerical and political mass to secure what we need. As such, we will not get anything that is not given to us. The day of the warrior is pass, the day of the battle is pass, the day of shedding blood is pass. Today is the day of diplomacy, negotiation, and educationg our non Hawaiian brothers of our past injustices. The hope and prayer here is that democracy and the majority will come to see that our fight is pono and return/give to us what is pono taking all things into consideration.

    We must stop blaming others (suger boys, U.S. government, etc.) for our current affairs, and look and move forward from where we are at. We must educate, inform, unify our voice, and imua.

    Malama pono,

    • Of the military, this was one of the lessons I learned: Boot Camp is a great experience for the soul. It teaches structure, instills the good traits, what some may even call virtue, and breaks down unfavorable traits, or even bad habits. Some call it brainwashing, but if it creates better souls, acceptable in the service of his brother's keeper, what is the wrong? A structure like that would be great for the new culture, a rite of passage, a necessary acceptance, fit for service as the Hawaiian Warrior Keeping Brotherhood in service to his fellow man. In retrospect, indeed even the day I graduated basic training, I said this to myself "Everybody should go through Basic Training at least once."

      The other lessons I learned in the military made me realize we fight, or rather oppress, for all the wrong reasons, enough to make me look back on it with a special ire. Yea, the best lesson was the realization that Basic Training built in me some ideals, and a structure I could use.

      i Aloha'aha'a,

  • Your reasoning is asinine because no matter what language is spoken, the U.S. belligerent occupation which violates the laws of occupation and international laws, does not change the facts. This is not about language; this is about international law and U.S. criminal actions. To olelo Hawai'i is pono as we assert ourselves in our Polynesian Hawaiian society and nationalistic pride. More and more people are speaking the mother tongue; the older generation has missed out on this. Soon this will be commonplace to hear people converse in our mother-tongue. The issue of belligerent occupation will not go away.
  • aloha no kaua, well I thought your vision is a genuine one with some thought behind it. I myself am employed by the U.S army and speak Hawaiian pretty well. Having learned it in high school at Waianae and immersing myself with my hanai family that was originally from Niihau, I think I have a pretty good understanding and I am pretty proficient in writing, reading, and speaking, however speaking about getting the military to agree with your vision would almost be impossible. Like talking to the wall. I know first hand about getting some of them to listen first of all, and then having them do as you would like and keeping them happy as well, Well you can only imagine that unless it is helping them in all ways then it won't happen. Keep your head up though because maybe you can reach someone I was never able to, but I never had your same vision for the Hawaiian language and the US military. I would just like to see that it be some what of a requirement in the Hawaii schools for all children to be proficient in the language before they are able to graduate. Well, at least all native Hawaiian children so as not to offend those who our in opposition to our revival of our language, our culture, and our people. I believe they do something like that in Samoa. More appreciation in the state government of our language our culture, and our people would be beneficial. And I wished truthfully for more Hawaiians in the military that could speak the olelo, because it is lonesome being maybe the only one proud enough to tell everyone I speak it and speak it whenever I can to see if there is any other local guys or girls willing and able to talk with me. I am jealous of the Samoans, Filipinos, other Asians, and all the Spanish speaking Soldiers because they're able to converse in their native tongue and I am left out, especially by our Samoan cousins who think that I am Samoan find out that I am Hawaiian and shun me away like I am not good enough to be by them because I am Hawaiian. That is not only embarassing but disrespectful and uncalled for. hence by disgst with the Samoan people for outcasting me as well as some of my own family. Its good to be proud of who you are, where you come from, your people, language, and culture. but to blatanly disrespect another for theirs, makes you and the people you represent look like fools. absurd and absolute crap. So, for all you proud Hawaiians stand up and speak out loud. Mai hilahila, no shame!
    • Aloha e Kalanikai!

      Your pane is an answer to prayer! I have been talking with a friend who is retired Navy who is encouraging me to start with starting a Hawaiian language division of the Army National Guard. I will soon be contacting some local authorities and the Governor to see if we can make this happen. If so, can I count on you taking a lead role? The benefit, of course, would be to come back to Hawai'i nei! Please feel free to contact me at odegaard@hawaii.edu, and also please check out and join my organzation Hawai'i Bilingual at www.causes.com/h2o


  • Are saying that continued occupation of our `aina by the American military, who is one of main reasons why we do not have our "crown lands" or kingdom, is pono? That it would be in our best interests if they utilized "Hawaiian Language" to train soldiers? What good would this do? How would this help kanaka maoli? I don't see why we need America's military to fight against our own people. I think that the military has too much land already. The things that they do to our `aina and its resources is sacrilege. What they should be doing is cleaning up the mess/dump sites/chemical/unexploded weapons at Pohakuloa, Makua, Kaho`olawe, Wahiawa, Waikane, Wai`anae, Pu`uloa, Moloka`i, Molokini, and every other place that they bombed, polluted, and poisoned. Try planting that seed.
    • Hili hewa ka mana‘o ke ‘ole ke kūkākūkā. -- ‘Ōlelo No‘eau 993

      Aloha kaua e Kalani:

      Mahalo for your pane!

      I agree with you 100% that we Hawaiians have been cheated, and that the U.S. needs to take responsibility for taking care of the messes they have created. As a matter of fact, the officer I spoke with has already conceded this point, and as a Christian Samoan-American, he was embarrassed about that fact that the military has made such messes. My point is that there are allies to our cause already within the U.S. Military, and that those relationships need to be cultivated.

      I'm only trying to open up dialog toward visioning what we would do with the land if it were ours and then to get the U.S. Military to help us to do it. I think that it is of paramount importance for us to have a vision of what we want to be done on it, and then to be able to articulate this vision to the U.S. Military. The benefits of speaking Hawaiian are enormous, and whomever takes the lead to this end deserves our support.

      I believe that planning for a Hawaiian Army would be very good for us. We have many among us who are natural warriors and who would rise to the call to form a Hawaiian division of the U.S. Army. Such as these could be persons who could live on some of the Ceeded Lands.

      Let's face it: we need to do all we can to pass on our beautiful culture to our children, and expanding our language into the technical requirements of the many professions our Nation would require should be our top priority. I'm not blaming anyone among us, only trying to find solutions based upon informed opinions. Anyone who has studied political science will tell you that language is the most important characteristic of nationality. Without ruling out any possibilities, I only suggest that perhaps we will be able to move further toward this end through cooperation rather than through opposition to the U.S. I could be wrong.

      I could be wrong, but I just wanted to bring up the point for the sake of discussion and visioning for the future. At some point in the near future, I would like this discussion to proceed in the Hawaiian language.

      I ‘ole ke ao ‘ia mai, hele hewa nā kanaka; a o ka mea mālama i ke kanawai, pōmaika‘i ‘o ia. -- Nā Solomona 29:18
    • Canada has a locally accessible example of a bilingual military program, albeit an imperfect one, that Americans can understand. In case you're not familiar with it, here's a link get started: http://www.ocol-clo.gc.ca/html/act_loi_e.php

      I suggest that the State of Hawai'i immediately implement a hiring freeze, and making proficiency in 'olelo Hawai'i a condition of future hires. Likewise, future Federal employees also must demonstrate Hawaiian language proficiency, and that would include U.S. military.
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