Aloha kakou, Anyone with ideas on helping promote the two (or more) performances of the play, "Ka Lei Maile Ali'i - The Queen's Women," plus the presentations by Keanu Sai, is welcome to add their thoughts here. Anything you can do to help or get the word out is greatly appreciated! We need people to give out flyers at the SF Aloha Festival that weekend too! The dates are August 2 and 3. Mahalo! Amy

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  • Aloha kakou,
    Kelea is going to hand out event flyers at an event for Pacific Island students at CAL. Anyone else know of a place to hand out flyers, aside from the Aloha Festival that weekend? I could really use some ideas and some help doing PR.
  • We are having a Pacific Islanders education outreach event at UC Berkeley on Thursday and Friday before the event. I can put out fliers at that event if you can get them to me.
    • Aloha e Kelea,
      That would be completely wonderful! I do have fliers. How can we connect? Thanks so much!
  • Just want to add that the Kapalakiko Hawaiian Band is going to play, and singer Regina Wells is also going to perform. Please tell family and friends in the Bay Area to come support this show if they can. August 3 at Ashkenaz.
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